Can't login!

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Well-Known Member
So today I went to login to battlefield 2, I started it up and I pressed login. Invalid password. It saves my password automatically and it worked yesterday, i've typed it in so it is definateley right. EA Support has been really unhelpful, when it asks you to describe the problem it gives an example "Login Problems", I thought brilliant, so I typed that in to get no results. If anyone can help I will be very, very very greatful!


Well-Known Member
Ok. I've fixed it! Yesterday, a mate of mine got bf2 and I directed him to the patch site at fielplanet, though you had to log in to get the patch, so I changed my password (to my friend's mums name :p) and gave it to him, so I though, let's see if it works now. It does.. Fileplanet has changed my bf2 password.

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