In Cryo Sleep
To try and keep the forums alive and let you guys know that there is in fact things happening behind closed doors so to speak i thought id grace you with my presence once more for an update on our current raid status.
So far we have successfully killed the following bosses, as a note I am using the term 'on farm' to represent any boss we have killed 3 times or more and are now at a state to comfortably say we will be able to kill them each week:
Magmaw (on farm)
Omnitron Defence System (on farm)
Maloriak (1 Kill on record)
Halfus Wyrmbreaker (2 Kills on record)
Valiona and Theralion (1 Kill on record)
Baradin Hold (on farm)
We also had our first attempts at the 'Conclave of Wind' in the throne of the four winds. Though the attempts were good and we had a few close attempts it does seem like gearing is still an issue. How ever its only a matter of time before we will be in there fighting Al'Akir and getting our first tier token drops for the guild.
Raiding Roster, Raiding Roles and Recruitment
I'm gonna flog this roster as much as i can, but I'm confident if it is kept up to date it could really help with judging how we are doing as a guild in terms of raiding.
The biggest issue right now stopping use from getting a second raiding group going is pretty much the lack of tanks and healers. Often we are finding that we have 3 tanks signed up, 4 healers, but about 15 DPS, and annoyingly many melee DPS. Don't get me wrong, i do not have anything against you melee DPS, but blizzard seem to. Taking all 5 DPS slots as melee to a raid is suicidal and destined to fail just because of how so many of the raid bosses work, but in contrast 5 ranged would have very few/no problems.
It is for this reason that I'm going to ask here if anyone would be willing to swap their main specs to a more raid friendly role, preferably tanks, healers and ranged DPS (in that order). Without a doubt at the very least we will need probably around 3 more people capable of tanking and 4 more people capable of healing. Where possible i want these roles to be filled by our current raiders, on their current mains who they enjoy playing on. If you can and are willing too please make a note of it here, and make sure that you update the roster to display your current specs and item level.
If these slots cannot be filled by our current raiders we can resort to alts, but this is something i want to avoid because it could bring in confusion over certain individuals and what priority they get in raids and loot etc. Our other alternative is to open recruitment which again id like to avoid, we have enough people in guild currently missing out on raids, but if it means in the long run more people will benefit and we can get everyone raiding we will do it.
Raiding, the plan
Firstly i want to make it clear that i am promising nothing with this, but here goes nothing. I am hoping to get our Monday and Tuesday raiding nights back up and running. These nights will primarily be based on getting people into the raids who have missed out so far and give people a chance to show us how awesome you can all be. It is still being decided but it is likely that these nights will be organized by Lideon and PeePee, i have put the suggestion to them and they seem happy to undertake this task and I am highly confident they will be great at it. I ask that you show them the same respect and patience you have shown me... in fact ignore that, please show them at least some respect and patience (or to who ever does end up organizing these raids).
So that no one needlessly gets their hopes up i feel obliged to point out some of the current challenges we are going to face with this task. Primarily it is our lack of tanks and healers and having to deal with raid lockouts. It is likely that we may have to rely on some of the same tanks and healers from the Thurs/Fri raids to do the Mon/Tues Raids. Logistically because we are not yet progressed enough in any one instance to focus two whole days on it, these tanks and healers end up locked to all the available content. This is why I am strongly encouraging we get more active tanks and healers about so that these extra raid nights can become a certainty as we all hate nothing more than a raid night with no raid at all.
These extra raids are likely to start on the Monday and Tuesday of the next raiding week (I.E. after the raid lockout reset). This means that the events will likely be for the 31st of Jan and the 1st of Feb.
In addition, as a general raid decision, there will be no set raid location for each raid event so ignore what the in game calendar says it is. The instance will often be chosen a day or two in advance and any new bosses to be attempted will be named and put into the GMOTD so people know which bosses to go read up on. This is for a number of reasons, partly because closer to the raid day we can begin to get an idea of the group composition and to also prevent people from selectively signing up to the raids only they want to do. I'm not saying that this is an issue, or ever will be, we just know from experience that this is one of the better ways to deal with raid organization.
Progression is good
WTB more tanks and healers
Monday/Tuesday raiding resurrection being attempted, but these goblin jumper cables are currently unpredictable
So far we have successfully killed the following bosses, as a note I am using the term 'on farm' to represent any boss we have killed 3 times or more and are now at a state to comfortably say we will be able to kill them each week:
Magmaw (on farm)
Omnitron Defence System (on farm)
Maloriak (1 Kill on record)
Halfus Wyrmbreaker (2 Kills on record)
Valiona and Theralion (1 Kill on record)
Baradin Hold (on farm)
We also had our first attempts at the 'Conclave of Wind' in the throne of the four winds. Though the attempts were good and we had a few close attempts it does seem like gearing is still an issue. How ever its only a matter of time before we will be in there fighting Al'Akir and getting our first tier token drops for the guild.
Raiding Roster, Raiding Roles and Recruitment
I'm gonna flog this roster as much as i can, but I'm confident if it is kept up to date it could really help with judging how we are doing as a guild in terms of raiding.
The biggest issue right now stopping use from getting a second raiding group going is pretty much the lack of tanks and healers. Often we are finding that we have 3 tanks signed up, 4 healers, but about 15 DPS, and annoyingly many melee DPS. Don't get me wrong, i do not have anything against you melee DPS, but blizzard seem to. Taking all 5 DPS slots as melee to a raid is suicidal and destined to fail just because of how so many of the raid bosses work, but in contrast 5 ranged would have very few/no problems.
It is for this reason that I'm going to ask here if anyone would be willing to swap their main specs to a more raid friendly role, preferably tanks, healers and ranged DPS (in that order). Without a doubt at the very least we will need probably around 3 more people capable of tanking and 4 more people capable of healing. Where possible i want these roles to be filled by our current raiders, on their current mains who they enjoy playing on. If you can and are willing too please make a note of it here, and make sure that you update the roster to display your current specs and item level.
If these slots cannot be filled by our current raiders we can resort to alts, but this is something i want to avoid because it could bring in confusion over certain individuals and what priority they get in raids and loot etc. Our other alternative is to open recruitment which again id like to avoid, we have enough people in guild currently missing out on raids, but if it means in the long run more people will benefit and we can get everyone raiding we will do it.
Raiding, the plan
Firstly i want to make it clear that i am promising nothing with this, but here goes nothing. I am hoping to get our Monday and Tuesday raiding nights back up and running. These nights will primarily be based on getting people into the raids who have missed out so far and give people a chance to show us how awesome you can all be. It is still being decided but it is likely that these nights will be organized by Lideon and PeePee, i have put the suggestion to them and they seem happy to undertake this task and I am highly confident they will be great at it. I ask that you show them the same respect and patience you have shown me... in fact ignore that, please show them at least some respect and patience (or to who ever does end up organizing these raids).
So that no one needlessly gets their hopes up i feel obliged to point out some of the current challenges we are going to face with this task. Primarily it is our lack of tanks and healers and having to deal with raid lockouts. It is likely that we may have to rely on some of the same tanks and healers from the Thurs/Fri raids to do the Mon/Tues Raids. Logistically because we are not yet progressed enough in any one instance to focus two whole days on it, these tanks and healers end up locked to all the available content. This is why I am strongly encouraging we get more active tanks and healers about so that these extra raid nights can become a certainty as we all hate nothing more than a raid night with no raid at all.
These extra raids are likely to start on the Monday and Tuesday of the next raiding week (I.E. after the raid lockout reset). This means that the events will likely be for the 31st of Jan and the 1st of Feb.
In addition, as a general raid decision, there will be no set raid location for each raid event so ignore what the in game calendar says it is. The instance will often be chosen a day or two in advance and any new bosses to be attempted will be named and put into the GMOTD so people know which bosses to go read up on. This is for a number of reasons, partly because closer to the raid day we can begin to get an idea of the group composition and to also prevent people from selectively signing up to the raids only they want to do. I'm not saying that this is an issue, or ever will be, we just know from experience that this is one of the better ways to deal with raid organization.
Progression is good
WTB more tanks and healers
Monday/Tuesday raiding resurrection being attempted, but these goblin jumper cables are currently unpredictable