Also, I might be swapping to alliance.. werewolfs or goblins? No brainer, they get the best race again (I suppose we were lucky to get one pretty race)
Um... and how are squid-faced goatmen who can't properly drive their spaceships better than the Blood Elves?
Horde's always been better. I'll take the badass side that has, from level 1 and up, quests about fighting to further the Horde, and not start zone quests involving delivering food/beer/etc. To me, the no-brainer is the choice between "deliver this grog to Hairy McShortarse and we'll give you some food" and "go kick that guy's teeth in and we'll give you an axe".
And what's with everyone's Goblin hate? Never understood it, I love the little green buggers...
Are they redesigning all vanilla content and quests or do you only see the sundered version of the world once you hit 80 and do a quest line?
The way they've been talking, I'm fairly sure it's not phased, and that you'll see the new version of the world regardless of if you're 80 and a Loremaster and a Seeker and have completed every quest ever, or if you're a freshly-rolled character. Can't say for sure, but I heard phrases like "permanent change" and suchlike that make me lean towards that... plus it's likely WAY too much to phase.
I'll miss old Azeroth, but I'll take the graphical update, storyline advancement and ability to use flyers happily and wave goodbye to old Azeroth.
Mind you... I wouldn't mind being able to keep old Dire Maul and Strat and maybe one or two others...