Catalcysm changes! *epic music etc*


Well-Known Member
It's very likely that sometime this month the major testing of Cataclysm will start (possibly with us seeing the invite-only beta before May), and recently Blizz has been announcing more and more of the changes to the game system they'll make. For those that don't go hunting around new sites, I'll say a few things here:

Dispel mechanics are changing so that lasting effects that tick every few seconds to remove stuff (eg Cleansing Totem, Abolish Disease and Abolish Poison) will be gone, and you'll always be able to cast a debuff remover on a target even if there's nothing to remove (thus making you able to waste mana on it). They're also changing who gets which dispels so that:

*Paladins can dispel disease, poisons and (with Holy talents) magic on friendly targets
*Druids can dispel curses, poisons and (with Resto talents) magic on friendly targets
*Shaman can dispel curses, enemy magic buffs and (with Resto talents) magic on friendly targets
*Priests can dispel enemy magic buffs, magic on friendly targets and (when not in Shadowform) diseases

Mages, Hunters and Warlocks will keep their current ways to dispel enemy buffs, and it's possible that the four classes above might have some of their debuff removes combined into a single multi-purpose spell.

Rage mechanics for Warriors and Bear Druids are changing so that you generate a set amount of rage based on the base speed of your weapon (with off-hands generating 50% of normal rage), crits giving double rage, and haste making you swing and generate rage faster. For tanking purposes, rage you generate should be based off your total health and the incoming damage (but without avoidance/armour/etc reducing the rage you get). Basically, undergearing or overgearing places shouldn't rage-starve anymore. There should also be more instant-rage abilities, like Warrior Shouts having a short cooldown but giving rage (think Horn of Winter). Finally, on-next-swing abilities like Heroic Strike will change to instead be instant and have a minimum and maximum rage cost; you can use it with the minimum, but the more rage it uses (up to the maximum), the more damage it does.

Mana Regen will change so that there'll be no "Five Second Rule". For those of you who aren't familiar with this, it's basically where a caster (usually a healer) stops casting anything that costs mana (sometimes making use of things like Clearcasting) to not use mana for at least five seconds. If you don't use mana for five seconds, you start regenerating it as if not in combat. Sometimes making use of this allows for silly mana regen mid-fight, but it's going to change so that you only regen mana at the higher rate when out of combat altogether. The intent is that you make more decisions between which spells to cast based on their mana costs and make more use of any mana-reducing talents/abilities rather than altogether stopping casting to get a bit more mana return.

Enhancement Shammies and Retadins sound like they're getting some major changes to their gameplay so that there'll be (I quote directly now): "more opportunities to screw up, so that when you don't, you feel really awesome".

Finally, they'll be announcing stuff like new 80-85 abilities, talents, Mastery bonuses, class mechanics changes and low-level spells for all the classes over the coming days. Tomorrow is the day for Shaman, Priests and Warlocks, the day after is Warrior, Death Knight and Rogue, Friday shall be for Hunters, Druids and Mages, and finally Paladins have an uncertain date of the 16th since they're apparently still "deep in development" and whilst there's a date given provisionally, they'll only announce stuff when it's more concrete.

Dunno about you lot, but between what I've heard before now (Mastery, flying in Azeroth, Path of the Titans, the new content, Archaeology, FLYING IN AZEROTH, and so on), this lot, and the coming class announcements this week, I'm getting more psyched for this expansion.


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[Response]: Catalcysm changes! *epic music etc*

By the looks of things, they will be changing most things (and correct some previous "errors", so to speak. Or as I like to call them: "Whoops! Face rolled when coding!"). Things are actually starting to look more interesting now.
The changes so far actually -almost- impresses me. (which isn't easy these days :p )
If this keeps up and it ends up for the better when finished, we may rejoyce! :)


I am starting to like more and more this new expansion. Somehow feels like they are trying to make it more of an anti-faceroll paradise game, if you get my drift.


In Cryo Sleep
Well, the first word is out; Dks will have only a single tanking spec, and it will be blood.

Source: mmo-champion

So, what do you all think about this change? I personally feel it's for the better to have a single tanking tree that they can focus their attention on.


In Cryo Sleep
Well, looks like old Bele will be back for Cataclysm

Checked armory, doesn't looked like ive been hacked at all over the time off, gears at ok level, bout tier 7.... well behind the times now!

And still in the guild :)

Looking forward to it i gotta say!


WoWhead has the class changes on these dates:

April 7: Priest Shaman Warlock

April 8: Death Knight Rogue and Warrior

April 9: Druid Mage Hunter

April 16: Paladin (Guess its taking that long to post the nerfs they are getting)

EDIT: Fail, i forgot the link



In Cryo Sleep
Well, the first word is out; Dks will have only a single tanking spec, and it will be blood.

Source: mmo-champion

So, what do you all think about this change? I personally feel it's for the better to have a single tanking tree that they can focus their attention on.

I like that they're finally giving DK's a single tanking tree...but why blood!? :( I love being blood dps, I hope they try keep the querks of blood and combine them into one spec with unholy....hey, we'll see :)

Looking forward to the class specific info coming out these next few days.


In Cryo Sleep
I like that they're finally giving DK's a single tanking tree...but why blood!? :( I love being blood dps, I hope they try keep the querks of blood and combine them into one spec with unholy....hey, we'll see :)

Looking forward to the class specific info coming out these next few days.

I'd suspect they wish to make DK DPS to be more disease / magic reliant, as they wanted them to be more of a mixed type dps, whereas blood is a bit too physical damage oriented spec to fit that viewpoint. Frost dual wield and unholy are the obvious go-to's, should they maintain their tendency.


Well-Known Member
WoWhead has the class changes on these dates:

April 7: Priest Shaman Warlock

April 8: Death Knight Rogue and Warrior

April 9: Druid Mage Hunter

April 16: Paladin (Guess its taking that long to post the nerfs they are getting)

EDIT: Fail, i forgot the link


I already said all that, but I suppose having the dates put down saves people having to work it out from the post date of the thread... :p


Junior Administrator
The dates have changed:

Shaman - April 7

Priest - April 8
Warlock - April 8
Warrior - April 8

Death Knight - April 9
Rogue - April 9
Hunter - April 9

Druid - April 10
Mage - April 10

Paladin - April 16*



In Cryo Sleep
I particularly like how they removed the cumbersome and grindy nature of the soulshard system. It also feels like an actual resource that a player must manage, not something you farm by the dozens before a raid or PVP event and simply spend on abilities.

Unfortunately, bloke lost his tool to get Frost Mages to 90% hp while using his amazing jump-around spamming Shadowburn technique. :D