Chaos orbs


Helloes all,

In order to gear up our members for healing we would like to make an inventory of people that have chaos orbs available for crafting gear/weapons. So if you have a crafting profession and orbs available for donating please enlist :)



I have my tailoring maxed out and have over 20 orbs. If you need tailoring stuff feel free to send me a pm here or poke me ingame.


In Cryo Sleep
Alas i have no more Chaos Orbs at the moment but as soon as i do ill update it here.

I am able to, and have the recipes to make the epic Leather and Mail DPS and Spell Caster sets.

I Can usually supply the pristine hides and at most i normally charge a maximum of 50% AH price for them. The volatiles where possible id prefer if people can supply their own. Check the in game guild roster of professions if you need to check the ammounts