Character's Back Stories


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Just wondered if anyone a bit more creative had a back story for their characters, since this is a RP server. Post here if you have.


Well-Known Member
Heh. Well.. I'll give it a go.

Nanork was brought up in the fierce fields of Durotar. His skin is crusty, and he has a dumb expression on his face. Through farming, Nanork got in touch with the lands, and began to very much so respect nature. His respect for nature gave birth to what he is today. A shaman. Nanork always pretended to be a mighty Shaman when he was young, he would fight all the other children in the village, and always win.

Once, whilst doing farming, he took a plant that caught his eye and ground it up. He mixed it with a few other herbs and realised it had healing properties. This also gave birth to his Alchemy. Nanork now travels all around Azeroth to bring the Horde to victory against the Alliance.

How is that?


In Cryo Sleep
Looks good to me :)

And keep it coming. I would like to read about how Nanork met other characters, vanquished mighty foes and turned the tide of battle in a pitched struggle against those most-hated of creatures ... Night Elves ...


In Cryo Sleep
Saxonfire came from a wealthy Breed of Tauren, they were the sort wholwere close to the Elders. But when his mother and father were out Fighting the Scourge they were struck down by Kel'Thuzad himself. They now defend the Lich King deep into Northrend. Saxonfire who was devastated had to rely on his friends , the animals. He grew up with them, and lerned to become a hunter so that he could train and keep them,and kill others if they were savage.After he became a knwon figure in Thunderbluff he moved to travel the world, first Ogrrimar, then Grom'Gol and then the Undercity where he fought back the Evil scourge which had devastated him in his early years. He decided to do a few tasks for the Forsaken who had sworn to help Saxonfire and then he left the undercity for Thunderbluff to help with a few tasks that his fellow Brethren needed.

To be continued.................