Christmas Lewt


Junior Administrator
So, what did you get? :D

So far I have a new dressing gown, some slippers, a big book on the history of Formula 1, with a ton of pull-out items of memorabilia inside it, some smellies, an assortment of chocolate, Chris Moyles' "Difficult 2nd book", a new alarm clock, a £30 GAME voucher and £50 :)


In Cryo Sleep
Smellies, choccies and sockies (The classic 3) along with a jumper and 50 of your earth pounds.


Well-Known Member
Chin up bar, barbell and bench, push up bars, 3 pairs of shoes, various going out clothes, various getting sweaty in clothes, Modern Warfare 2, Tropico 3, Dragon Age, The Sims 3 World adventures, smellies, chocolates and a new watch. Oh and dog tags.

For those of you wondering I am a very muscley woman.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Erm, from my dad, an Radeon 4950HD, an the collectors edition of Crysis. I've got my actual christmas when I get home. xD I love my family.


New Member
I got quite some good loot,
A toothbrush
3 underwearies
sweat pants (<3)
Homer Simpson slippers
An "Uruzgan Commandoes" t-shirt
and a pretty shiny belt.


Active Member
Not to belittle it; its my first camera (digital) an olympus x-930 and i would imagine its similar to these. As its my first camera now i can take pics of everything!

I got my first taste for taking pictures when i was in frankfurt(june09) and now i can take pictures without having to borrow a camera and wait a week. The future begins!


New Member
I got a spanking new 22" HD telly with inbuilt DVD and freeview. It can also double as a computer screen so if I come to one of the i3-somethings next year then I may use this instead of my computer screen :D

Also got a new set of dumbells, some dvds, a couple of good books, a few items of clothing and the Viz annual :D

All in all not a bad haul at all :)


In Cryo Sleep
I got some cooking books (which I'll just never use, cos I have google), and some shortbread/chocolates. We have like a £20 limit for presents for each other at home, so I wasnt expecting to get anything amazing. Oh well.


New Member
Lets see... a dressing gown, socks (got to have socks), an assortment of confectionary items, Fallout 3 GOTY edition, lots of wine and a lightsaber


In Cryo Sleep
I got a 95L rucksack, a sleeping bag, a 220 Lumen torch, a hairdryer, lots of smellies and a 4 man tent. Also got some books, lots of chocolate and lots of sweets.


Staff member
Mostly kitchen stuff, best gift from the gf: a Le Creuset pot (which she herself will be enhoying the results of, of course :D)


In Cryo Sleep
I got a 95L rucksack, a sleeping bag, a 220 Lumen torch, a hairdryer, lots of smellies and a 4 man tent.

I think someone wants you out of the house :p

Mostly kitchen stuff, best gift from the gf: a Le Creuset pot (which she herself will be enhoying the results of, of course :D)

Oooo. Hope it was the orange one. I need to save up some pennies first before I can get a proper casserole dish thing. Got a le creuset mug though a cupla months ago! :-D