Chuck Norris.


In Cryo Sleep
Superman wears Chuck Norris pyjamas.

Chuck Norris ate Keifer Sutherland and spat out Jack Bauer.


Mr T doesn't wear gold chain. He SWEATS gold.

Mr T pitied the abacus so it, it turned into a computer.

Mr T once pitied himself by mistake. It ended the dinosaurs.

What would a fight between Chuck Norris and Vin Diesel be like? Trick question! Those are the names of Mr T's left and right arms respectively.

If Jack Bauer shoots at you and misses, he was actually aiming for (and hit) the terrorist 2 miles behind you.

If everyone on 24 did what Jack Bauer said, it would have to be called 12.


In Cryo Sleep
Thats some weird freaky good stuff!

The Civil War ended when Chuck Norris said "stop."

Even though Mr. T pities an obscene amount of fools each day, he always saves the strongest pity for those who spell 'pity' with two t's.