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Can't wait!
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Thunderfall said:First Civ4 Expansion Pack Announced
2K Games and Firaxis today announced Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords, the first expansion pack for Civilization IV. It's scheduled to come out this summer. Below is an excerpt from the press release:
Since its October 2005 release, Sid Meier's Civilization IV has sold over a million units worldwide and was named both PC and Strategy Game of the Year by GameSpot. An all-new expansion pack, Warlords pays homage to some of history's greatest military leaders, delivering six new scenarios, giving players the chance to change the course of history with the help of their new powerful "warlord" unit. The expansion pack is loaded with new civilizations, new leaders and more units, resources and wonders that can be used in both single and multiplayer games. "Civilization IV has been a great success for us," said Christoph Hartmann, Managing Director of 2K Games. "We believe Warlords will exceed the extremely high demands of gamers worldwide with new additions to its already successful formula."
"We're very happy with the success of Civilization IV," said Sid Meier, Director of Creative Development for Firaxis Games. "Within days of its release, gamers around the world were fully addicted, staying up late at night and just hoping for 'one more turn'…what could be better! Warlords will feed that addiction with more of everything gamers want." Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords will require the full version of Sid Meier's Civilization IV and will be released for PC this summer.
Can't wait!
[Mod]Sorted quote. Lazy Nanor