Civ IV afternoon?


New Member
Well, I know it's short notice, so we could arrange it for the following weekend, but does anyone fancy a game of Civ IV on Saturday Afternoon? Say about 3:00ish?

Go on, you know you want to ;)


Junior Administrator
I would if i could but i cant so i wont. I work from 6pm in a bar here in Southampton on Firday and Saturday nights. Get hammered every day afterwards too. In my experience, a game (offline) would take me about 5 hours from start to end, an online one i would guess longer, so though i may be able to start one, i won't be able to finish it today!


In Cryo Sleep
New faster speed? :S

I can't make it budski, its my buds birthday.

I was going to organise an Event for this in a few weeks when everyone is available again :p

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Piacular said:
New faster speed?

Yeah, y'know, they've got three speeds for Civ4 games. Fast, Normal and Epic. Normal is the pace of standard Civ4 games, but I understand that Fast games can have a good pace and yet feel like a Civ game overall...


New Member
Well, maybe not this Saturday. I hope we can have one soon though. When is this event your organising gonna be piac? Hopefully it won't start too late, or be on a weekday!


In Cryo Sleep
Like I said buddy, in a few weeks :)

How does Civ get faster? Research and production times improved?


Well-Known Member
Actually, it MAY be that the years run quicker as in, instead of 1991, 1992, 1993. It could go 1990,1995,2000 on faster?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
According to Civ4 Fanatics:

  • The length of games is reduced from 540 turns (as in Civilization III) to 430. You are able to start in any era you wish (Ancient, Classical, Medieval, Industrial, Modern, Future. You start with a different amounts of units in each era, you will have more population in newly founded cities, as well as a few more buildings). Later era starts will give you larger starting cities, more settlers, and of course more techs. They will also have some limitation - earlier wonders and buildings may not be available. The developers are also constantly working to even out the pace of the game, hence the speed options described below.
    • There are four game speeds: Quick (mostly for Multiplayer, in Single Player mode (or SP) it is equal to Civ3's Accelerated Production mode), Medium (a bit faster than Civ3, 15-20 hours of game-play), Epic (around 600 turns) and Marathon (introduced in patch v1.52). All of the game speeds (Quick, Normal, and Epic) retain all the flavor of Civ itself. So even though the speed is different, the feel will not change.
    • The different speeds of the game (Quick, Normal, and Epic) will have their Technology costs, Unit production costs, and Building appropriately tuned for the appropriate speed of the game.
    • The game still spans from 4000BC to 2050AD. That means you have 6,050 years to achieve one of the victories below.
    • Civilization IV seems to have struck the balance between explored land and years passed. What this means is that no longer will you have the entire world explored by 400AD. This, by the way, is the same for all three speeds (Quick, Medium, & Epic).