Civilization 4 - Evening


New Member
Seems a bit strange starting a Civ IV event this late. Surely a slightly earlier time would mean that the game could be finished in the same month that it started? Anyway, I can't make it :( Thanks for organising it anymay piac

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm struggling mightily on time at the moment with travelling around with work. I'll bow out for this one but I hope to be there in future.

Behind You

In Cryo Sleep
I'm sorry to drop out, but I'm really sick. I might be better by Saturday, but don't count on me showing up.


In Cryo Sleep
I hope you get better, Behind You.

The more the merrier, and every THN I crush gets me one step closer!


New Member
Yep i'm going...

But I can't seem to enroll on the calendar. Any specific reason for this?