CoD2 practice nights

What nights/days can you make CoD2 practice?

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New Member
Well, I think that practice nights for CoD2 would help to get it off the ground and make it more important within THN. So, vote for your preferred nights/days to do this, and then we'll know what sort of numbers to expect. You don't have to be an absolute regular to be chosen for (possible) future clan matches, just attend when you can.

Note: I put up only Friday, Saturday and Sunday because weekdays are usually too busy for most people, whether it be from school, work or whatever, we just wouldn't have enough time.


New Member
Ok guys i'm gonna set these for Saturday Afternoon if thats ok. Just turn up on TS at 4 o'clock and we will go onto a public server to own all :D And of course work on tactics :p But mostly own :)