CoD4 anyone?


New Member

Bought it then realised it wouldn't run on this knackered out old piece of rust my parents refer to as a 'computer' :eek:

I was going to return it to Amazon, but I realised I might as well see if any of you lovely people would be interested first.

Just £25 + P&P!!!

Post here, happy bidding!

(Will be done on first come, first serve basis)


PC or 360? And how do I get the money to you? And if you're every around Waterloo, I can pick it up from you, saving on P&P :D


Junior Administrator
elD, IF it can't run on his PC I'm going to presume EVER SO SLIGHTLY that It's a PC version ......... :D


New Member
PC or 360? And how do I get the money to you? And if you're every around Waterloo, I can pick it up from you, saving on P&P :D

Well now you mention it...

I'm in London this Thursday for an RAF interview on New Oxford Street at 1:00PM. I could get to Waterloo Station easily enough. Thing is, I'm not entirely sure how long this interview will last, although apparently they usually last about 40 minutes. So how does 14:30 at Waterloo Station sound? I'll be wearing a long coat and dark glasses... :D


Junior Administrator
yey buy COD don't play crysis play COD.
am rapidly ranking u in the mp at the mo. Just got 1106 points for a round as I dropped an airstrike on the opposition during sudden death and killed 12 people at once. which is genius because it gave me another airstrike thing to use.


In Cryo Sleep
My record for a round is 3050 or so bob :p Averages out about 1700 most games, I'd say. Very rarely below a grand anyway. If you aren't playing S+D then do so, because you fairly rake in the points in good ol' S+D.


Junior Administrator
My record for a round is 3050 or so bob :p Averages out about 1700 most games, I'd say. Very rarely below a grand anyway. If you aren't playing S+D then do so, because you fairly rake in the points in good ol' S+D.

what be S+D I've just been playing on server with mates. I think Its just been team deathmatch.


Junior Administrator
Yup, Basically bob, Search and Destroy ( in CoD 1 you planted bombs on tanks and there was no respawn till the end of the round )


never got into the CoD series...especially was always..oh look, a server with spaces but with people in!!! *dont look at the amount in there* get in...64 man server and massive lag...


In Cryo Sleep
Unless you have selective blindness, you should be able to see a whole bar on the server connection screen dedicated to ##/## players are on the server.


Junior Administrator
I'd just like to say .. Don't try 64 player Search and Destroy on Hardcore mode ..... I mean I don't know how these people stay alive ! If you're not dead via nade spam theres some bastard with an M249 SAW waiting at the end of the street for you ...