What? Enemy Down 5v5 S&D ladder match versus 1st Infantry Batallion 1st-IB
Who? Active CoD4 clan members only, as indicated at Enemy Down
When? Wednesday 19th, 20:00 on TeamSpeak latest, 20:30 match kick-off
Where? THN Server and TeamSpeak
Sign-up below to be considered for the event. Preference given to active clan members who show up for practices and/or those who give a "yes" answer sooner and/or those who have subbed for previous matches.
Squad to be announced the evening before (Tuesday).
If you're not on TeamSpeak for 20:00 on the day then the substitute (if available) will play in your place.
Some details may change depending on acceptance.
Fixture details:
Map 1: District
Map 2: Strike
[edit]PN3 can't play. New challenge against LGNOD, plus see below...[/edit]
UPDATED: Time is now pushed back to 20:00 on TeamSpeak, 20:30 kick-off.
[edit]So, no reply from LGNOD. Trying another one that Trax recognises.[/edit]
[edit]Bah, made this an open challenge. We can take it to PCW off #cod4.war if we have to.[/edit]
Who? Active CoD4 clan members only, as indicated at Enemy Down
When? Wednesday 19th, 20:00 on TeamSpeak latest, 20:30 match kick-off
Where? THN Server and TeamSpeak
Sign-up below to be considered for the event. Preference given to active clan members who show up for practices and/or those who give a "yes" answer sooner and/or those who have subbed for previous matches.
Squad to be announced the evening before (Tuesday).
If you're not on TeamSpeak for 20:00 on the day then the substitute (if available) will play in your place.
Some details may change depending on acceptance.
Fixture details:
Map 1: District
Map 2: Strike
[edit]PN3 can't play. New challenge against LGNOD, plus see below...[/edit]
UPDATED: Time is now pushed back to 20:00 on TeamSpeak, 20:30 kick-off.
[edit]So, no reply from LGNOD. Trying another one that Trax recognises.[/edit]
[edit]Bah, made this an open challenge. We can take it to PCW off #cod4.war if we have to.[/edit]