[CoD4] Clan ? :)

[CoD4] Clan?

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Junior Administrator
Right seing how we had problems with the ol' ED ladder and 'you don't have a valid website malarky'

And we're more than likelly going to have a CoD4 clan at some point, I've devised a cunning plan .. ( said baldrik ) more cunning than a fox

I'm going to put my unused clan website :p Krowd Shooters ! into some form of CoD 4 style, to get away with requirements ! aside from this, the forum parts will be linked off to here etc ;) I really have no use for my half assed attempt at phpbb3 :p

It'll effictivly be the second time its been a CoD 4 clan actually xD


Poll Time, CoD4 clannage ? :)

**EDIT** just realised we may have to vandalize the [THN] Tag a little bit to sort of keep in line with the seperate website ?


and people POST IN HERE ABOUT IT. I just forget the previous Idea and go with creating a website like the TF2 portal .. :p

Ronin Storm

Staff member
and people POST IN HERE ABOUT IT. I just forget the previous Idea and go with creating a website like the TF2 portal

It is easy enough for us to provide cod4.thehavennet.org.uk exactly as we've done for TF2. I recommend that route for the actual hosting. Where you do your design is entirely up to you, of course.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Isn't there a chance of overdilution with another clan.....the TF2 one is only just getting on it's feet.


Junior Administrator
Isn't there a chance of overdilution with another clan.....the TF2 one is only just getting on it's feet.

I see no reason why, if peoploe have the time, people would not be able participate in both. There is ALOT of interest in TF2... more than places in a match team would allow I think...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Isn't there a chance of overdilution with another clan

There's a chance but I think it's quite small. There's a bunch of THNers who don't seem particularly interested in TF2 so having an alternative clan-oriented game would seem like an excellent idea for them. There's crossover, of course, in terms of players but I think we can manage that. If nothing else, it gives us a reason to recruit into both teams; not just from within our current membership but from our servers as well.

Also, the numbers of players required for a TF2 clan game are relatively small (8+2 reserves?) and, I believe, the same may be true for CoD4. That should make it easier to run two clans side by side even with the membership we've already got.

It's certainly a thing to watch for but I'm not feeling concerned just yet.


In Cryo Sleep
Aye aye, sir! Jimbob Jones reporting for suty, saar! I'll change back to Tetsuo for matches, though :p I go Jimbob Jones and never wear clan tags because I enjoy my anonymity.

SgtFury said:
Isn't there a chance of overdilution with another clan.....the TF2 one is only just getting on it's feet.

I wouldn't worry about that too much, Fury. As bloke says, there are plenty of people who play TF2 and pay no nevermind to CoD4, and by the same token blokey and myself are far more interested in CoD4 than TF2. I really don't want to see CoD4's interest inoculated to make way for the grand TF2 scheme, nor vice versa. Not wanting to jump in 2 feet first, but if we had our own CoD4 server with proper moderation and attention, we could try and attract our own band of squaddies to the CoD4 effort without detriment to any other THN goings-on.


In Cryo Sleep
But what about all the great advertising for THN you could do by wearing community tags and playing well?

Hmmmm, I used to do that in CoD1, go on a server as 'Tetsuo' or whatever my name was back then and only apply tags once I'd reached the top of the scoreboard ;) I dislike putting them on all the time, I'd rather just be seen as another person enjoying the game than have [THN] tags on and feel pressurized into making us out to be a decent clan (Trax does all that for us anyhoo :D). Plus, you can't abuse and poke fun when you're representing a clan ;) hence, anonymity.


In Cryo Sleep
Well i don't own CoD4 yet and i do not own TF2 either but i am much more interested in joining a CoD4 clan. I'm all for playing TF2 once i get the game (if you will have me :D) but CoD4 just appeals to me more.


Junior Administrator
I've posted err what as my answer currently. I never planned to love COD as much as I do and I really can't be clanning 2 games at once so I'm going to play COD but clan TF2 at the mo. However if we do get COD going within THN I'll drop my uKm tags and do some publicity with THN ones.


In Cryo Sleep
yer me two...

i would love to play some clan matches in CoD4... (server:S) any body got any idea how much they are.


(if you would let a small kirby in?)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
They're very pretty.

The PNG reminds me that you might be approaching a web site as a graphics project more than a mark-up exercise. Worth remembering that those large grey boxes can be done beautifully with HTML and CSS. :)