Junior Administrator
Right seing how we had problems with the ol' ED ladder and 'you don't have a valid website malarky'
And we're more than likelly going to have a CoD4 clan at some point, I've devised a cunning plan .. ( said baldrik ) more cunning than a fox
I'm going to put my unused clan website Krowd Shooters ! into some form of CoD 4 style, to get away with requirements ! aside from this, the forum parts will be linked off to here etc I really have no use for my half assed attempt at phpbb3
It'll effictivly be the second time its been a CoD 4 clan actually xD
Poll Time, CoD4 clannage ?
**EDIT** just realised we may have to vandalize the [THN] Tag a little bit to sort of keep in line with the seperate website ?
and people POST IN HERE ABOUT IT. I just forget the previous Idea and go with creating a website like the TF2 portal ..
And we're more than likelly going to have a CoD4 clan at some point, I've devised a cunning plan .. ( said baldrik ) more cunning than a fox
I'm going to put my unused clan website Krowd Shooters ! into some form of CoD 4 style, to get away with requirements ! aside from this, the forum parts will be linked off to here etc I really have no use for my half assed attempt at phpbb3
It'll effictivly be the second time its been a CoD 4 clan actually xD
Poll Time, CoD4 clannage ?
**EDIT** just realised we may have to vandalize the [THN] Tag a little bit to sort of keep in line with the seperate website ?
and people POST IN HERE ABOUT IT. I just forget the previous Idea and go with creating a website like the TF2 portal ..