In Cryo Sleep
This game looked pretty good, and the last codemasters game I got was okay....
.... until I installed this one.
1) I have to be signed into steam, msn live, games for windows live, as well as "dirtnet"
1.a) wtf is "games for windows live", apart from a load of bulldinkle.
2) Graphics settings
2.a) They start so fucking high that it lags hurrendously on startup
2.b) How do I change the options without having to edit an XML file?
3) loading videos
3.a) Why are there so many? amd, intel, ... someone, codemasters, dirt 2, another one.... all before i get the "press enter" pointless splashscreen.
*tries again*
right.... so I press enter and then it starts "loading"....... Where it doesn't really use the hard drive much..... 55 seconds later.... I get another video. This one is now showing some in game footage.... sorta like I could be doing myself if i wasnt being forced to view this video..... as escape nor enter jump out of it....
65 more seconds later .... I get.... ooo. another loading video showing a wacky waving inflatable flailing arm man. and "me" picking up my phone... talking to someone....
.... ooo, my car.... yea.... right. .... keep going.... ooo and my motorhome. fancy. ooo skanky table. oo another table..... ooooo Tyrual is playing garrys mod ~*-) what a good idea.
Aha. 90 more seconds later, I finally get to the "driver details" screen....
when trying to enter the firename / surname, instead of the display turning into a textbox, the fucking msn windows live games thing pops up... with an aero skinned box for me to type into.... fuck it. I'll be "player One" today. Yup - thats my audio name. and wow. now theres a map. about 15 seconds later it zooms in... showing some squiggles. and then starts wanking around and takes me to "event setup".....
up/down/left/right let me choose the type of event, escape doesnt do anything. Enter just goes outside to let me choose my car.... and after I choose my car, I get the option to race.... and only now do i manage to find the "options".... by hitting right a few times (not that it hinted anywhere that you could hit the right arrow key there....)
right. graphics options (now its taken me about half an hour to find them). WHY are they all on high?! It knows I'm on my laptop with a shitty ATI mobile graphics card...... if course I dont want all settings .... ooo tyrual is now playing tf2 *-) now theres a game that doesn't take ages to load. Its as though steams popping up going "dont bother with this shit - come play a proper game".
right. changed everything to "low" .....
now is it me. or was that whole thing really overfrickingcomplicated?!
*goes off driving*
This game looked pretty good, and the last codemasters game I got was okay....
.... until I installed this one.
1) I have to be signed into steam, msn live, games for windows live, as well as "dirtnet"
1.a) wtf is "games for windows live", apart from a load of bulldinkle.
2) Graphics settings
2.a) They start so fucking high that it lags hurrendously on startup
2.b) How do I change the options without having to edit an XML file?
3) loading videos
3.a) Why are there so many? amd, intel, ... someone, codemasters, dirt 2, another one.... all before i get the "press enter" pointless splashscreen.
*tries again*
right.... so I press enter and then it starts "loading"....... Where it doesn't really use the hard drive much..... 55 seconds later.... I get another video. This one is now showing some in game footage.... sorta like I could be doing myself if i wasnt being forced to view this video..... as escape nor enter jump out of it....
65 more seconds later .... I get.... ooo. another loading video showing a wacky waving inflatable flailing arm man. and "me" picking up my phone... talking to someone....
.... ooo, my car.... yea.... right. .... keep going.... ooo and my motorhome. fancy. ooo skanky table. oo another table..... ooooo Tyrual is playing garrys mod ~*-) what a good idea.
Aha. 90 more seconds later, I finally get to the "driver details" screen....
when trying to enter the firename / surname, instead of the display turning into a textbox, the fucking msn windows live games thing pops up... with an aero skinned box for me to type into.... fuck it. I'll be "player One" today. Yup - thats my audio name. and wow. now theres a map. about 15 seconds later it zooms in... showing some squiggles. and then starts wanking around and takes me to "event setup".....
up/down/left/right let me choose the type of event, escape doesnt do anything. Enter just goes outside to let me choose my car.... and after I choose my car, I get the option to race.... and only now do i manage to find the "options".... by hitting right a few times (not that it hinted anywhere that you could hit the right arrow key there....)
right. graphics options (now its taken me about half an hour to find them). WHY are they all on high?! It knows I'm on my laptop with a shitty ATI mobile graphics card...... if course I dont want all settings .... ooo tyrual is now playing tf2 *-) now theres a game that doesn't take ages to load. Its as though steams popping up going "dont bother with this shit - come play a proper game".
right. changed everything to "low" .....
now is it me. or was that whole thing really overfrickingcomplicated?!
*goes off driving*