Coked Up Comp >:(


In Cryo Sleep
Right bassicly we reformated the drives on my comp which ment we hda to take everything off and now the internet wont work and i cant install bf2 so i may not be on for a couple of days.


In Cryo Sleep
yeah everything is alright apart from internet we are trying to configure it and when we go on the section to do that it says page cannot be displayed. I have phoned netgear but they said it was our computer at fault.


Junior Administrator
Sounds like a possible driver issue with your network card. From what I can see from what you have said already it seems that you are trying to use your internet browser to access your router so that you can configure it?

Is that correct?

Go to the Network Connections bit (in control panel) and see what network connections you have there. If more than one, make sure that the one(s) you have enabled are the one(s) you have your network cables plugged into.

If nothing is there, then the drivers for your network card have not been installed correctly (or possibly at all). If so, then go to the device manager (located in the "system" -> hardware tab) from control panel, go to network adapters and you should see at least one thing in there with a yellow exclamation mark icon. If you right click it I believe it should bring up an option to install a driver for it... aloow it to do it and Windows should have some kind of default driver for the card which it should install.

Other than that... I may be able to help you but will need some more info... perhaps you could come and find me on TS at some point and I will gladly try to sort out your problem! :D


In Cryo Sleep
Turns out we have a engineer coming on monday so i should be able to play from then (crosses fingers) hopefully