[Comedy] Your thoughts needed!


Junior Administrator
Whose Round is it Anyway?
Series 1 | Episode 2

Well, it's been a while since Episode 1 was released, and unfortunately due to the time of the year (exams :( ) the next episode hasn't yet been filmed. That said, we shall hopefully be commencing work on it sometime soon!

In the meantime, we need your help. For those that have been watching the show, it's now your chance to get involved. Rather than one of us making up all the randomness for the show, we'd like to throw it open to the floor for some suggestions.

These would include some suggestions for specific games as well as generalised thoughts and opinions on the show as a whole - if you think any changes should be made to the format of the show, the way it's recorded, if there is anything else you would like to see included, etc.

It's in a nice, shiny, easy-to-use form that only takes a couple of minutes to fill out, and you get that warm fuzzy feeling from helping us out. You can access the form here.

Cheers folks! :)

Edit: By the way, for those who haven't seen it, the Whose Round is it Anyway? episode archive can be accessed here. (This is the preferred source - high quality flash and divx video available)


Well-Known Member
I'm having a trouble understanding these questions. Would you mind explaining what each question means? I.E. What a party quirk etc. is?


Junior Administrator
The form as it is at the moment probably only makes sense if you've watched the Whose Round / Whose Line episodes and are reasonably familiar with the format of the games... what follows is my summary :p

Party quirks is a game where each performer turns up to a party, acting with a strange quirk or characteristic, which another performer must then guess. A good quirk will have the performer doing and saying weird things and confusing the hell out of everyone else :P (eg T-bone as a goat in episode 1)

Questions only is pretty much as it sounds. This is a space for you to give a scenario for the performers to be in during the game (eg at a gig, at a train station, in the bathroom, whatever)

Weird newscasters is a game we've not yet done on Whose Round, but plan to tackle when we have more people. There are 4 performers, 1 of which is the normal news anchor, and everyone else has a weird character to play while fufilling their role in the 'news' (one person is the co-anchor, another is the sports reporter, and the third is the weather guy)

Whose line involves the performers reading out a random, pre-written line into a random scene. The performer has no idea what the line says until they read it out, and so they then have to try and work it into the scene. Let your imagination run wild when writing a line, bearing in mind that it could be said under any scenario...

Scene for a shot glass - a random thing for performers to act out (eg what not to say while on a plane, etc)

There's also a space for a random situation that you can think of, this is handy for a number of games we might try out at some point.

Finally there is a space for a film, theatre or television style of your choice. It could be your favourite, it could be funny, it could be random, or just whatever. (examples include horror, action, greek tragedy, porno, silent film... etc)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
That summary was really helpful, thanks DeZ. Even watching the show it was tough to put into words what you've described there so that helped me respond to the survey.