Company of Heroes: US Airforce sponsors tournament!


Well-Known Member

Have you seen the prizes! There are PS3s! LoL.

I'm not sure if we can do anything bigger than 1v1s, but if we can, a few of us could pair up and enter as a team?

EDIT: Nope, it's only 1v1s, but if other people come along I'll play! :)


Stop playing this game and get LOTR: Battle for Midlle Earth 2!! I'm getting it soon, and i used to play the old one on a tournament server and came 5th 3 times lol.. out of like 100 people!!

THN should hit BFME2!! Elves, Goblins, Dwarfs!??!?!?!? How could we not be playing this awesome game (men of west, mordor, isengard!!!!)

I used to play as Isengard, ladder rush with melee upgraded Uruk-hi Warriors.... pffft get out of my way human



In Cryo Sleep
Yeah got it played it got bored.

Just build a fuck load of tier 3 Rohirim and thrash around the place. Oh and BTW - Heros < in depth tactical gameplay.

You should try CoH it would suit your quick reflexes due to the amount of micro involved.

If you really must play BFME2 I'm sure I could reinstall it. However CoH is by far the superior of the two.


lol, hmmmmmm maybe, i buy both!! SHOCK HORROR!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN



Junior Administrator
I had to stop playing BFME due to annoying inaccuracies, being a LOTR nut of nutty nutness, i got very frustrated by little things like the Rohan heros don't get horses, I'm sorry its not like their renowned for riding horsed or anything.
*bob grumbles away realising its just a game and relaxs*

Really should have a look at CoH as it sounds like a good game with the lack of LOTR characters so no little things can get on my tits to the point i must stop.


In Cryo Sleep
Well it depends on how annoyed you get by RL inaccuracies.

Does it piss you off that the Germans display no Swastikas?

Does it piss you off that Tigers do not 1 shot things?

Similarly does it piss you off that AT guns do not 1 shot tanks?

Many questions. However the game is brilliantly balanced and it just feels right (unless you are getting pummelled).

Hopefully that's where us more experienced players come in. We should be able to take you through the first few painful encounters and get you up to speed so that you too can be a l33t haxor in the way of CoH.



Staff member
Not that I have the game, but it pisses me off that the RL mods are getting such a hard time. Abbreviated: "If there is a swastika in a mod, everyone who plays it supports the nazis!"

Disclaimer: Godwin's Law does not apply here.


lol infact i just bought it from amazon... £10 with PandP...

See you on the battlefield !!



Tomoro mayb?? Rlly wana play it big time BRO!

Tact... btw Reno is king!