Marqo, I sincerely hope you're wrong about the Stargate Worlds thing... I have high hopes for that game, and I'm not anywhere near the colossal 'gate fans that Brad and Baldi are.
On other games...
Old Republic is looking sweeeet (if they avoid the clunky combat KotOR had, I'll be in heaven; the KotOR games were great but the Lightsaber combat felt so... wrong)
Star Trek is increasingly appealing to me (it's gone from looking like generic bandwagon cash-in to looking like it could actually be fun to play)
EVE is getting the biggest expansion ever soon (walking in stations... as in, every station you can dock at will have an interior, with purchasable space for you/your corp to build officers/club/hangout/bar/whatever in... it'll be incredible. Might even make me try EVE RP, who knows).
And there's others that I've seen vids for or heard of... someday I'll actually finally remember the name for the one that Veshi showed to Tbone and had him all excited over.
The MMO market looks like it's only going to get better... and we do kinda have WoW to thank for that. For all it's flaws, problems, set-backs and annoyances, WoW is the dominating force on the MMO market (hell, it's a dominating force in the gaming market; nearly 12 million people now? Half-Life 2 only sold 6.5 million copies last I checked, and I consider that to be one of the finest games ever created), and other MMO developers are being forced to really put the effort into their games to make them draw people away from WoW, and then stay away from WoW (or at least, stay on their MMO; EVE's drawn me in but I still play both

Even if WoW only goes downhill from here on out, other MMO devs still have to pull their fingers out to even survive, let alone flourish. I'm hoping that this, in turn, will then force Blizzard to put more effort in to keep people in (for example... if they stop catering to bad players. Catering to hardcore? Fine. Catering to casuals? Great. Catering to the people who stand in the fire? /wrists)
What was bad about lich king? I quite enjoy Northrend. My only gripe is one zone is till incomplete (crystalsong) which seems inexcusable this far after release.
I hope they'll use some of the countelss millions of dollars they're obtaining to revamp oldworld such that flight is feasible, and give an (optional) graphics update. I don't mean massive performance crunching updates, just nice smooth-outs such as the newer druid animal forms.
I think the problem people have with Wrath is the end-game content; yes, Northrend is incredible, and I have much respect for the team that created the continent, made it aesthetically very pleasing, put nigh-perfect music in for most of the zones (some places like Icecrown have "fitting" music, but nothing especially memorable or inspiring), and some incredible quests to do both while levelling and at 80.
I think most people here have by now done the Wrathgate quest chain and the Battle for Undercity (if you have no idea what I'm talking about, grab me in-game and I will help you find this quest chain, you HAVE to do it, it is, quite frankly, one of the best things I've ever done in an online game, and even after having done it on five characters, I'm looking fowards to doing it again on my Druid soon), and most people will likely agree that the levelling experience in Northrend has been phenomenal.
I think most people might also agree that instances as you level are a lot better now; they don't drag on and cause problems with people dropping out partway through a rediculously long instance run and making you unable to finish (remember how long some of the Coilfang or Auchindoun instances could take? Or BRD, if you want to be more old school?). Short, sweet instances with good rewards (if you can dodge the failpower plate), and a truckton of experience.
The gripe people have with Wrath, after all that, is that there feels like there's less reward at the end. Until 3.1, all we had to do was Heroics (sure, most people only have one or two Wrath Heroics they don't like, unlike TBC where most people only had a few they genuinely enjoyed), plus Naxx, Sarthy, Malygos (for some) and Archavon (if you even count him). Add to that the dulled-down professions, less-stable PvP and just a feeling of there being less to do than we were used to from TBC, and it's felt like it's half-hearted, unfinished. Part of this WAS to do with the fact that they rushed Wrath out towards the end (trust me, I was on the beta; if it wasn't painfully obvious from watching from the outside that they were trying to keep people from going to Warhammer Online, it was from the inside. Game didn't feel finished AT ALL when they announced that the beta was about done). I'm fairly sure they intended to release the game with Ulduar as an attune-to-get-in higher instance ready for release, not added in a content patch later, but had to drop that to get it out before Warhammer could suck people away en masse.
Personally, I don't feel like leaving WoW just yet; it IS getting better again (just in time, for me...), we have two major content patches to look fowards to, and the new expansion coming in the not-too-distant future (I reckon it'll be announced at Blizzcon in a month and a bit). But I AM tempted by the other games...
Hurrah, excessively long and chatty post is excessively long!