[Complete] Board Upgrade [08 Oct 2007]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm going to do a surprise board upgrade. It's been on the cards for a few weeks but I haven't got round to it but I want to add a little functionality and the board should be upgraded before I do that...

So, expect the board to go down around 10:20 for around 30 minutes. Might be faster, but the backups take a little while these days!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Board Upgrade [08 Oct 2007]

Sorry that took a little longer than advertised. vBulletin's template revisions system happily identifies a difference in whitespace as a change and picking through those not-changes is slow work, especially as you're not sure if you're missing something subtle. :p

I've not done the events stuff yet but now I'm actually primed to work on them. I can do that stuff while the forum is open, I believe.

Actual downtime, around 50 minutes.

As usual, please report any problems here.