[Complete] Shoutbox


In Cryo Sleep
Is it possible to have the timestamp on the /me command? I know it's small, pety and silly but hey, so am I :P

Is this possible?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: [Request] Shoutbox

So, yeah, messed around with the shoutbox rather a lot this evening.

Changes as follows:

1 - emotes are now timestamped

/me dances round the room


*Ronin Storm dances round the room*


[Today 00:00] *Ronin Storm dances round the room*

2 - multiple line shouts are now easier to read

This one's hard to provide an example for because the formatting in a post won't easily allow for it. In essence, however, at a "normal" font size the second and later lines of a shout or emote will align with the first letter of the shout after the date and time stamp.

3 - PMs you send tell you who they were sent to

/pm BiG D; Hi D, this is a test PM

Previously, I saw:

[Today 00:00] [PM | Reply] Ronin Storm: Hi D, this is a test PM

(Clicking on "Reply" would send a PM back to me, not the person I'm PMing)

Now, I see:

[Today 00:00] [PM to BiG D] Ronin Storm: Hi D, this is a test PM

(Clicking on "BiG D" will now send another PM to Big D)

Hope you like the changes. :)


Junior Administrator
Re: [Request] Shoutbox

I would provide you with reppage but it seems that I love you enough already... :D


Staff member
Re: [Request] Shoutbox

2 - multiple line shouts are now easier to read

This one's hard to provide an example for because the formatting in a post won't easily allow for it. In essence, however, at a "normal" font size the second and later lines of a shout or emote will align with the first letter of the shout after the date and time stamp.
This acts funny if someone posts a block level element, like a quotebox for instance. Might just be worth disabling such elements in the shoutbox altogether?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: [Request] Shoutbox

This acts funny if someone posts a block level element, like a quotebox for instance. Might just be worth disabling such elements in the shoutbox altogether?

That could prove to be tricky. I'll look into it.