

In Cryo Sleep
Yoyo, I've been here for a bit more than a week now, and I'm feeling slightly confused about our raiding.

It all started with Friday's Kara run, wich we didn't finish, and was to continue on Saturday. I think it was about an hour before the invites was going to start on Saturday, when I decided to play my alt for a while. Just to make sure, I asked another member from the Kara run to /w me on my alt when the invites was about to start. However, while playing on my alt I kept talking to this person, who declared that we weren't going to do any Kara that night, although some ppl was doing Maggy with AM, so I happily went on with my alt (and I stayed un until 2 in the night UK time)
Now, when I log in on Sunday, I'm told you DID do Kara on Sat. So I'm rly confused as to when this happened :S
Also, on Sunday, I was told that we were doing ZA at around 4 UK time, and since I was going to have dinner at my moms friend around that time, I felt it was obvious that I could not participate. Well back home shortly after 5, I log in to see that the ZA invites just finished. Apparantly ZA was postponed because you had to do Prince first, wich I didnt know that you had left.

Please note that I'm not attacking the person mentioned in the post, and I also do not expect you to babysit me when I'm on my alts, but I feel that the communication could be better, for instance I've never seen the GMOTD being used to remind of raids, and I cant really check the website at all times either. Also I'm modestly suggesting to put the raid times in server time, since that time is synched for everyone, even if the english ppl will have to log into wow instead of looking at their wristwatch unless they wanna do a bit of counting. And yeah, I know that u only need to add/subtract an hour, but it can go wrong.. (look at me, I subtracted instead of adding, and I ended up waiting for invites 2 hours early >_<) Yeah, well, I dont wanna be a pain, I just want someone to clarify a bit :P




Junior Administrator
All perfectly reasonable arguments...

I think that half this stuff (like the sayurday Kara run) gets decided on Teamspeak by the officres.

There was a row between people in the guild about the fact that people could be missing out due to the fact that the saturday night stuff wasn't organised, and these considerations have been taken into account.

Trust me, we are aiming to prevent non-scheduled raiding from happening in the future. This way, less people miss out :)

The suggestion of putting server time in as the raid times aswell I think is also good - especially as we have a multi-national community.

I'll make sure this isnt ignored :)


In Cryo Sleep
I think it was me who told you that i thought prince had been done on sat but i didnt know for sure. Sorry mate :/ I was out the loop myself for a couple of days there so my information was incorrect, my bad. So most of your problems that you posted were down to be being wrong (again) lol. (Although i wasnt the dude who you were talking to about /w-ing you when the raid was gonna start, as i wasnt online then).

Saying this, ill think of a way to blame it on someone else and ill keep you posted :)



Well-Known Member
The raiding has been a tad confusing and hectic the last week/two, but I think we've managed to batter it into shape a little more now.

Basically Aftermath was dropping in and getting help from us to fill the large gaps in their 25-man raids for their alts or bored members (AM only does Black Temple and Sunwell now, as far as I know, so Gruul/Maggy/SSC/TK is something they don't get to do now), and it threw things a lot.

The Aftermath raids have been formalised now to take place on Wednesdays, and that's for our "best"; those that are ranked as Progression and have been given a thumbs-up by the officers as being ready for SSC/TK in terms of gearing.

This extra organisation should hopefully make sure that there isn't any more of this confusion and we can settle down again and get more people into our own raids with less confusion in general as to why certain people aren't getting in, and with less miscommunication/lack of communication in many cases.


In Cryo Sleep
Come to think of it, and now that we're discussing raiding / progression in general, is there any particular reason Zaggank (who, as we know, has been my main ever since I rolled him) is a Member and not a Trial Raider or Raider, for that matter? It is true it hasn't been too log since he returned to the Guild, but I've been doing my best to guarantee acceptable attendance and performing quite well DPS-wise (in those fights that don't screw melee altogether, that is, of course).

Mind you that this is not some sort of QQ driven whine, but since I was away for a while, some of these matters are still a bit on the unclear side of matters. Thanks for any clarification you guys can give! :)

@Clown: don't worry, mate. Since I was on that raid, my imba luck made sure nothing remotely like leather or even useable by a Rogue dropped. :P :D


In Cryo Sleep
I dont see any reason whatsoever mate for you not to be made proggression raider!

You have indeed proved your value and abilities more than enough over the time you have been back.

I shall sort this out when I get online tonight