Congratumalations :)


Junior Administrator
Well done to everyone this week - we may not have gotten ALL of the nails on the coffin that we wanted (I'm looking at Kael, Vashj and Illidan) but in one week we've cleared out every single other raid boss except for SWP.

Even though tonight has ended on a low note, that is still something to be exceptionally proud of and every single member of the guild should be proud to be part of <The Haven> :)


In Cryo Sleep
yep big gz to everyone in the guild for getting as far as we did before wotlk...I know me and nero wernt with you guys for all of your raids and the very start of ur progression as a raiding guild( pfft wish i was lol )..I think we joined in when you were just getting solarian in tk:S...but all in all..apart from the little mishaps:D..i've had a brill time raiding with all of you and im sure we can take wotlk by storm with our performances^^


In Cryo Sleep
this may sound strange but this is the best raiding i have done in the whole game, funny as its not a raiding guild, but have raided with lots of guilds and this is the best to get progression and a laugh, so thanks for having me come along, only bad point has to be to many irish ?


Super Moderator
Staff member
While we may not have gotten Kael and Illidan Stormrage down.
I still would like to thank all attending raiders for their hard work.
Well done one and all!

Rest assured that in the not too distant future, we will be able to tear through things like this again!

Until then. Happy levelling!
And remember!

Take the time to watch the scenerey. Listen to the wonderful epic Warcraft music. Smell the flowers. And erradicate everything in your path! *cackles while sipping elven blood from the skull of a Gnome*

*holds the skull up*
Gnome cups. Collect the whole set! *Colgate smile* ;)