Continuation of the winning group :)

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Ok here was the group we took to icc10 on friday night, i am planning to carry this on as we have a good chance of getting further as it was a nice solid group, i am thinking of doing it on monday evening anytime after half 6, please all respond and let me know if this is good for you all. If you dont want to contiue at all then also let me know so i can bring someone else in.

Cheers all :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Coolness. :) How far did you get?

(Alas, I can't join you, as I got locked on the Thursday run...)



we one shotted the first wing, got fester down and rot down to about 15%, nice to have some different groups :)


New Member
I would be willing to hand in my awesome healing for the continuation. I am eager to actually get further than Rotface/Festergut (as i have never done Putricide onwards)


Super Moderator
Staff member
[Response] Continuation of the winning group :)

Will not be available on Monday


In Cryo Sleep






Ok here was the group we took to icc10 on friday night, i am planning to carry this on as we have a good chance of getting further as it was a nice solid group, i am thinking of doing it on monday evening anytime after half 6, please all respond and let me know if this is good for you all. If you dont want to contiue at all then also let me know so i can bring someone else in.

Cheers all :)

hes the reason for leaving the haven

Continuation in a group in my eyes is that group that started it who can make it are put in then fill in the gaps for those who cannot make as you can see not many ppl said yes so they were replaced i said i was available but i also was replaced does that sound right

have fun see some of you around guys and gals :)



Active Member
We call that a ragequit...
Whatever YOU may call it, it's a reasonable decision (provided it happened the way Dimorvidus said). If he was part of the original group, then signed up and posted about wanting to continue but was replaced nevertheless, it shows something fishy is going on in the raid-organizing department. Look, I'm not judging either side, I don't exactly know what happened and would be delighted to hear the other side of the story, but from where I'm standing, this should SO not be happening, ESPECIALLY in a "community" raiding guild like The Haven.


New Member
One: Those not in The Haven and whom were not even there, not on TS, not on our guild chat channel or helping making the raid, get no say or input in these matters, just to point out.

Two: I beleive Dim should have been put int the raid, but staging a ragequit over one incident and not trying to sort it before the raid even started is what he should not have done. I ponted out to Sasser that Dimo was part of the original raid, that he did sign up (albiet on this page) and that he was entitled to join us. But by the time I said that Dim had left the guild, thus automatically giving up any chance of him ever gaining his spot back (which would have otherwise been freed up for him, as he was part of the main group)

Once again, Angelic, you have jumped the gun to slag off The Haven when clearly, on my end of the raid organisation (as the pointer-outer and then, after 10 minutes, raid leader) he would have got his spot if he had just been a little more patient with things and not ragequitted.

- Vonya


Once again, Angelic, you have jumped the gun to slag off The Haven when clearly, on my end of the raid organisation (as the pointer-outer and then, after 10 minutes, raid leader) he would have got his spot if he had just been a little more patient with things and not ragequitted.

I see no "Slagging" really.

Also: In ANY raiding Guild / Community / Group that raids / whatever you wanna call it, you -will- get drama, and since Haven is rather big now, mistakes WILL happen, you just need to bite through it and not overreact, IMO.


Active Member
See? Now I heard the other side of the story and I can see the mistakes made on both sides :) Wouldn't it be lovely if everyone could do that...


New Member
I'm not judging either side, I don't exactly know what happened.

Well, this is in fact a ragequit...
When I read this post I got kinda angry too. For the reason you stated above, he was in the group and got replaced at the continuation.
I logged on and asked what happend. After Sass explain me what happend I wasn't completly statisfied. Then I heard some other 'things' that happend before and I was convinced that none of the officers were to blame.

I will not explain what happend yesterday and I hope no other officer will. Writing bad things in forum can make this worse then it already is. If anybody demands to know what happend, /w me in game.

And Dim if you want to return or if you want to talk this over. Please /w me and we will discuss this matter!


New Member
meh, drama. :(
Hmm, well srry for that :(
I also contribute to this drama because of my silly comment of ragequiting.

But I think this toppic can be closed. Everything said has been said and no more words should be said, unless this is in /w in an adult way and these words are used to solve the problem and not making it bigger or getting it out of control :)


New Member
Guys you can make the drama out of it if you want but 3 things:

1. This is not the place to talk about this, the officers room is or veterans room is. If you want your share in this whisper a person in game or PM a person with that given rank.
2. The people involved in this "Drama" have already had their share of explaination.

3. Lol at people drawing their own story lines out of this. There are only a few people that realy know what happend with Dimo and his stay in the Haven. There is no need to add ifs to the story, this doesnt help in any way.

This matter is done with, and as Elincia has said if Dimo wants to talk about it contact one of the people that said in this thread that they wanted to talk with you about the matter. (I am one of those)

Now quit the drama and move on.



Junior Administrator
Staff member
Helloes, :)

[mod]Thread closed. Everyone's had their say. Move along, please. If you want, I'm available for PMs, either in the forums or in-game.[/mod]

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