Control set ups

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I'm always interested in improving the layout of my control scheme.

I currently use the following system:

Default except for:

X = Crouch
Middle Mouse Button (click in scroll wheel) = Draw Sidearm
\ = Draw Grenade (hense why I throw so many)

and on SF:
Alt = Night Vision on OFF

This scheme works well for me, except for that I use C as pop smoke (which clashes with t.s)

Anyone got any improvements? and what button do you all use for T.S PTT ?


Well-Known Member
I use a Trust Laser mouse with fore/backward buttons, I use the back one for ingame chat. Easier than pressing B.

Someday I'm gonna write out a whole bind script for it.


Tab's also assigned to Channel Commander (which is bad, because it brings up the Scoreboard, I'll have to change it some time)

Shift does something I'm sure, I just can't remember :p


In Cryo Sleep
Okay kiddies, here is uber Piaculars setup...

w,a,s,d = movemento

space = jumpo

shift =joggo

ctrl = croucho

f = defibrillatorais! (weapon 6)

c + z = prone (i like to pick and choose :))

middle mouse = medi kit of never die (weapon 5)

side left on mouse = auto/single fire (weapon 3)

side right on mouse = gayaids (weapon 4)

So I never use the wheel :). When I first started I found my fat clumsy fingers kept selecting the wrong weapons using the number keys, so I rebound every one so I never have to leave w,a,s,d :D.


In Cryo Sleep
i press alt for TS, bit of a bugger wen ur trying ot do the ip and it then changes window grrrr


Active Member
I mainly use the default controls. Most of the differences come from having more buttons on my mouse than BF2 expects :rolleyes: Anyway, heres the differences.

alt = Teamspeak

Left side mouse button = Weapon 3 - I generally find I have enough time to switch to other weapons when needed but switching back to the main weapon often requires a quicker response.

Right side mouse button = Parachute - the 9 key is too far out of the way and I use the 'chute just often enough for having to reach across the keyboard to be annoying. The right side button is close enough to use but out of the way for when I don't need it.

Middle mouse button = Reload. Quick and easy.

The only other thing is that I increase the mouse sensitivity by quite a lot compared to the default. It allows faster response when turning to fight the guy shooting you in the back (especially in tank / Humvee turrets).

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