You can get def capped wihout raid gear, heroics and crafted gear gets you there. You have to run a lot of heroics. You cant just be carried through raids like a lot of dps can its a lot harder to get raid ready.
Uhm, what? Angelic? I haven't even said anything >.<
In case you don't have them already, Silk:
Belt buckle with defence gem or hybrid (likely green or purple) with defence on it
There's a couple of defence enchants, but I'd avoid the shield one; use a shield spike for now, and I'm currently working on getting the shield plating thingy recipe from Exalted with the Horde Expedition on my DK
Do be prepared to drop a bit of parry/block to get defence capped, and it should balance itself out as you get raid gear.
Poke a Blacksmith and see if the two Tempered Titansteel pieces (helm and boots) would be any good for you at all.
exodus from the metal womb.
Mad rampant dry stone walling of the mcchicken news.
Have at it, you uncles of flutes.
I say, i say, is that an horizon on the fire?
The effective cap for avoidance (Paladin wise) is where you start taking too little damage to need enough healing to get mana back. At which point your threat starts to suffer.
Ive tanked up to the end of Naxx 25 on my tankadin and ive yet to reach that point.
There is however, a point at which the worst possible scenario for any given hit is that it is Blocked. This is when your Block Chance, Parry Chance, Dodge Chance, Chance to Missed add up to 100% with holy shield. This is what I aimed for First. It did me well.
The chance to miss is stated at your defence rating stat.
You did realy good indeed, me and Raz tossed a lot of taunts/ "accidental" pulls in I put on my rightious fury a few timesyou reacted good to it
On the killing Masia part, good job go on and practise a bit more and you will succeed more often
On the part of the shield enchant: go for the def rating when you are not def capped, the other shield enchants will come eventualy. When the time comes go for the Titanium plating (40block absorb) this is awesome because it upgrades your mitigation a bit and it also upgrades your treath.
On the caps, well I noticed that when you hit over 30% block rating your other avoidance will be to less and you will have to drop some block for those, so I say a cap for block will be 30% else the other stuff suffers to much. (dont know about ulduar 25 gear if it is wise to have more block then)
Furthermore the hit cap and expertise cap will come with the gear eventualy do not bother gemming or enchanting for it.
So far you are doing well and I think that when you tanked a few more heroic for practise you will be able to tank naxx 10/os 10/voa 10.
Robin (Nactall)