

Well-Known Member
So, question

How do I go about applying for trial raider as a tank when I can't come raid until I'm 540 def capped but struggling to get into that state with non-raid gear?

Should I be looking for dups gear and apply as retri for now (obtaining tank gear as offspec)?



In Cryo Sleep
Grab me when were both on, We'll see where your at and if we can get you sorted. Then ill see about getting you a form filled in.

Also : Please see the Trial Raider thread in the normal WoW forums. It should give you some info :).


In Cryo Sleep
You can get def capped wihout raid gear, heroics and crafted gear gets you there. You have to run a lot of heroics. You cant just be carried through raids like a lot of dps can its a lot harder to get raid ready.


Well-Known Member
You can get def capped wihout raid gear, heroics and crafted gear gets you there. You have to run a lot of heroics. You cant just be carried through raids like a lot of dps can its a lot harder to get raid ready.

I don't mind the challenge so long as it's possible/feasible (when I'm at work most of the day!)


Its was not too long ago that if a tank needed or wanted to get geared up with raid stuff so he could tank with the guild the best geared guildies would run a couple of raids to help out ... What has happened to the old haven? After all helping each other get geared is what a guild is partly about surely?


Admittedly im not in the guild as long as most but I dont recall ever being in a raid where a member knowingly tanks a raid with sub par gear or is not capped.

I think this guild is fantastic for helping fresh 80's to get raid ready either by helping out in heroics or giving advice about their spec/class.

I think any tank can easily gear up now because of the weekly Naxx/Sarth run which are a mix of new 80's, alts and well established raiders. These runs have been, to my knowledge, going fairly well.

Anyway, my point being, I don't think anyone wanting to gear up is left in the sidelines regardless of their role. I would gladly help out those who need it or alternatively give up my spot for someone who needs more gear/badges.


Well, on my Paladin my main spec is Ret, but my secondary spec is Prot. Now I did do all my gearing up for my main spec first, but along the way I got quite a few bits of tanking stuff. ALL of these came from heroics, so it is possible to gear up and get defence capped with heroic and crafted gear.

The good Burrick himself can make the shield, quite cheap mates wise as well, and if you do not have a helm then also craftable is a nice one.

Rep rewards are also good, Wyrmrest accord have a few nice bits of tanky stuff.

So it is possible, and I echo burricks words, people helping people will aid alot, and I think the Naxx 10's on Tuesday were successes, with alot of co-operation from the well geared peoples so we are getting better


Well-Known Member
Burrick, I've not been getting raid freebies but I've had a lot of help regardless and now at 541 defense. Have also had a bit of heroic tanking practise, so far so good (I think) - though according to Nactall's advise I need to get better at killing Masia. I'll work on it.

Still to do:
Argent crusade rep for head enchant
The UP sword, it's so shiny..
VH trinket..

Any other suggestions?


In Cryo Sleep
Exodus from the metal womb.
Mad rampant dry stone walling of the McChicken news.
Have at it, you uncles of flutes.
I say, I say, Is that an horizon on the fire?


Well-Known Member
In case you don't have them already, Silk:

Belt buckle with defence gem or hybrid (likely green or purple) with defence on it

There's a couple of defence enchants, but I'd avoid the shield one; use a shield spike for now, and I'm currently working on getting the shield plating thingy recipe from Exalted with the Horde Expedition on my DK

Do be prepared to drop a bit of parry/block to get defence capped, and it should balance itself out as you get raid gear.

Poke a Blacksmith and see if the two Tempered Titansteel pieces (helm and boots) would be any good for you at all.


Well-Known Member
Uhm, what? Angelic? I haven't even said anything >.<

How embarassing, perhaps you've been on my mind ;)

Or maybe I (in a semi comatose state) just saw a profile picture of a real person and thought it was you. Think only you and Burrick share that trait.


Well-Known Member
In case you don't have them already, Silk:

Belt buckle with defence gem or hybrid (likely green or purple) with defence on it

There's a couple of defence enchants, but I'd avoid the shield one; use a shield spike for now, and I'm currently working on getting the shield plating thingy recipe from Exalted with the Horde Expedition on my DK

Do be prepared to drop a bit of parry/block to get defence capped, and it should balance itself out as you get raid gear.

Poke a Blacksmith and see if the two Tempered Titansteel pieces (helm and boots) would be any good for you at all.

Bought the purple shiny shield and helm a while back. I have put 20 defense on the shield, needed to do to reach the cap (541 right now). Got a very nice blue belt, which I have buckled.

Shame I can't link my gear. I have swapped out a little parry and stuff to hit the cap, but tucked all the gear in the bank so I can optimise as I get more defense (just a sidenote, is there any need to have over 540? What are the parry/dodge/shieldvalue/shield rating caps?). I got the wyrmrest revered blue boots, which for some reason are better than the tempered titansteel (go Blizzard!).

I think I'm raid ready, there's only two real upgrades I can get outside raids now and that's the VH trinket and UP sword (working on tournie axe as a backup plan). Oh and the 60/80 heroic emblem bp and other piece.. which I presume will be a sick upgrade to my blues.

edit: I think I logged in tank mode, check my armory on Bemused?


In Cryo Sleep
The effective cap for avoidance (Paladin wise) is where you start taking too little damage to need enough healing to get mana back. At which point your threat starts to suffer.

Ive tanked up to the end of Naxx 25 on my tankadin and ive yet to reach that point.

There is however, a point at which the worst possible scenario for any given hit is that it is Blocked. This is when your Block Chance, Parry Chance, Dodge Chance, Chance to Missed add up to 100% with holy shield. This is what I aimed for First. It did me well.


Well-Known Member
The effective cap for avoidance (Paladin wise) is where you start taking too little damage to need enough healing to get mana back. At which point your threat starts to suffer.

Ive tanked up to the end of Naxx 25 on my tankadin and ive yet to reach that point.

There is however, a point at which the worst possible scenario for any given hit is that it is Blocked. This is when your Block Chance, Parry Chance, Dodge Chance, Chance to Missed add up to 100% with holy shield. This is what I aimed for First. It did me well.

Funilly enough I was also looking to reach 100% with HS. I just wondered if I should be concerned about hitting any other caps other than defense (which until told otherwise I will never aim to have above 540-545). For example are there any hard caps of x% on dodge/parry/block etc.

Also.. chance for mob to miss? Where's that on the character sheet? What stat is it?


New Member
The chance to miss is stated at your defence rating stat.

You did realy good indeed, me and Raz tossed a lot of taunts/ "accidental" pulls in I put on my rightious fury a few times:P you reacted good to it:) On the killing Masia part, good job go on and practise a bit more and you will succeed more often :D

On the part of the shield enchant: go for the def rating when you are not def capped, the other shield enchants will come eventualy. When the time comes go for the Titanium plating (40block absorb) this is awesome because it upgrades your mitigation a bit and it also upgrades your treath.

On the caps, well I noticed that when you hit over 30% block rating your other avoidance will be to less and you will have to drop some block for those, so I say a cap for block will be 30% else the other stuff suffers to much. (dont know about ulduar 25 gear if it is wise to have more block then)
Furthermore the hit cap and expertise cap will come with the gear eventualy do not bother gemming or enchanting for it.

So far you are doing well and I think that when you tanked a few more heroic for practise you will be able to tank naxx 10/os 10/voa 10.


Robin (Nactall)


Well-Known Member
The chance to miss is stated at your defence rating stat.

You did realy good indeed, me and Raz tossed a lot of taunts/ "accidental" pulls in I put on my rightious fury a few times:P you reacted good to it:) On the killing Masia part, good job go on and practise a bit more and you will succeed more often :D

On the part of the shield enchant: go for the def rating when you are not def capped, the other shield enchants will come eventualy. When the time comes go for the Titanium plating (40block absorb) this is awesome because it upgrades your mitigation a bit and it also upgrades your treath.

On the caps, well I noticed that when you hit over 30% block rating your other avoidance will be to less and you will have to drop some block for those, so I say a cap for block will be 30% else the other stuff suffers to much. (dont know about ulduar 25 gear if it is wise to have more block then)
Furthermore the hit cap and expertise cap will come with the gear eventualy do not bother gemming or enchanting for it.

So far you are doing well and I think that when you tanked a few more heroic for practise you will be able to tank naxx 10/os 10/voa 10.


Robin (Nactall)

Thanks... I think :p

I need to work on some macros (not just gear) to become ultra elite and amazing (at killing Masia) but will get there eventually.

I'm actually sat at work pondering what I should replace my "oh sh1t" button with. It's still set to bubble (as per retri spec) but that's no good for a tank. I'm thinking of changing it to the baby bubble for use on a healer (and need to get into the habbit of setting focus to my dedicated healer).

p.s. Already got a plating in bank waiting to go on my shield. I need to work out how much to overcap such that I can replace the 20 defense and remain 540 (what's the equation?).


Well-Known Member
Oooh.. I feel all .. exposed ;)

Thanks fae.. those sites are blocked at work so I wasn't able to do similar. Saying that, people should be able to get all that from my drop down as well (until I hit my retri button again haha)