Cookie Statistics on User CP


Junior Administrator
Okay, This is just as so Ronin has a place he's comfortable with requests living :p

For those cookies, and cookie titles, could you not add a cookie tally to each user's statistics on thier profiles? That way everyone else can see just how many cookies people have obtained, and look on in envy :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
For those cookies, and cookie titles, could you not add a cookie tally to each user's statistics on thier profiles? That way everyone else can see just how many cookies people have obtained, and look on in envy :D

In a way, that's exactly what the reputation levels are for. I've created a lot of reputation levels up to around 500 cookies. When people look like they're approaching that number, I'll add a bunch more. The maximum spacing is around 50 cookies, currently, so people will be in a fairly tight spacing within a particular title.

Something I intend to experiment with is changing the text to a little banner with cookies, bags, boxes and jars on it... and probably some titles too. But all in good time.

In a way, I deliberately want to keep the cookies a little bit mysterious so the game of finding new titles is just a little bit fun.