Counter strike evening


In Cryo Sleep
Ok since there is basically nothing going on with CS:S I would like to organise a night for it. Please post up what times are suitable for you and what time :)


New Member
sounds lyk fun... cept i'd get slaughtered. But yeah, why the hell not? Available most evenings, this Saturday would be good.


In Cryo Sleep
I think the best way to go around this is by sending PMs to everyone who has CS:S. I think most people dont look in the CS:S forum because no one ever starts many threads :(


Junior Administrator
Unfortunately, I think that's the case. :(

I'd normally be in for this, but my net access is shot as far as gaming is concerned :( so not much I can do other than help you set it up and get word of mouth going.


Junior Administrator
One thing to consider about the event is that the new patch is out for CS:S with the new Militia (finally!) so it's one thing to try out. :D


Staff member
If we are running this on our server then I'll be looking for someone to help prepare the server in advance (I'm maxxed out on time atm). If we're not going to use our server then post up ideas for where we can play before the night happens - obviously it would be nicer to use our own lovely beast of a machine :)

Oh, and once a date and time are up then I'll let you know if I can make it - but I'm definately interested.


Staff member
dont look at me - look at the man that started the whole thing :)

Or alternatively look at who you are replying to in threaded view *grins*.


Active Member
I can take a look at our CS:S server and see what needs to be done. No doubt it needs updating. Just let me know when you guys need it for and I'll get it sorted.


Junior Administrator
It needs a lot of updating... I can't even remember the last time we actually used it. And the latest updates are not exactly small, either.

Fuzzy Bunny

I'd be interested, but weekdays generally aren't so good for me due to timezones :(


Active Member
Our CS:Source server has been updated by Haven and is now ready to use at:
Any problems let us know.


In Cryo Sleep
Jeez ok i was thinking next thursday around 8.00pm? Please post up if you actually coming adn if its a suitable date. Problem is i want to send PMs to everyone who plays CS:S but i cant find the page which tells me that.

Fuzzy Bunny

It'll show up in their profile, but not from the members list as far as I can tell. If you really want to send a PM to everyone with CS:S, you could go through each member's profile looking for members of the Counter-Strike interest group. Might just be easier to post something about it in one of the general sections, although that would kind of defeat the purpose of having this subforum.