I'm in agreement with Ronin and Buffalo Hunter there. However, the ebst thing I found to do whenever my system is overheating is to take both sides of my case off, and use a desk (or better still, a room) fan to blow HUGE amounts of air into the sucker. You know those 12inch ones you can get from Argos for £10? Genius.
Stick it on the floor, right next to your (now open) PC, blowing air in the most open side, and check that it is actually your system overheating. If it is, and you haven't cleaned it for a while, it's probably dust in somewhere. If it's all clean and your still getting overheats (and you know it's overheats due to the big desk fan on the floor keeping your system stable), then I'm guessing a bad thermal pasting somewhere, ala bloke's post.