Crikey! (Steve Irwin R.I.P)


Junior Administrator
Like, O NOES!

The Article.

[mod]changed topic title to make it a little clearer about the topic of the thread, and also changed "McLinky" to "The Article" to avoid causing offense to those who may find it disrespectful.



In Cryo Sleep
Re: Crikey!

The world will be a much sadder place.
I wonder when the commemorative issue dvds packaged in crocodile skin will appear? ;)


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Crikey!

It is a very sad story, he was only 44 and left a wife, 8 year old daughter and a very young son.

I suppose at the end of the day he died doing something he loved which is how most people in that line of work would rather have it.


Junior Administrator
Re: Crikey!

What happened to Steve Irwin is like being stabbed in the heart. It has little to do with the venom and all to do with the trauma caused by the barb of the stingray.

i'm feel broken and alone. sooooo sad.
gotta put (tu) at beginning of msn comment as a mark of respect.


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Crikey!

The lack of respect sickens me. To the stomach, to the stomach.

I feel sad for him, he spends his whole life between the jaws of rabid ferocious bloodthirsty animals and he gets killed by a fish. He must be throwing a mad fit in heaven.


Junior Administrator
Re: Crikey!

I feel sad for him, he spends his whole life between the jaws of rabid ferocious bloodthirsty animals and he gets killed by a fish. He must be throwing a mad fit in heaven.

errr dude a stingray is hardly just any fish. they can be fairly narly when they need to.


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Crikey!

Yer, but only two people have ever died from a stingray attack - including Steve! I think more people have choked to death on cod fillets than have been stung by stingrays :p

The funny thing is, alligators eat stingray :p I saw an awesome video once of an alligator waiting in the shallows and then trying to fit this big flat stingray down its neck. Brutal, brutal.


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Crikey!

:( he was a legend, he cant die, i always watched his programs and the spoof one somebody made, his shows were most enjoyable R.I.P :(


Re: Crikey!

Yeah I feel sorry for the guy, but I mainly feel sorry for his Wife and two children.

His children are going to have to grow up without a father and thats a real tradgedy.

Now as I said I feel for the guy and his family however It was bound to happen sooner or later. You talk about lack of respect for him, but he was obviously not thinking about his children whilst doing crazy things with animals. I mean if you drive round and see a 15 ft snake in the bushes you don't go and pick it up, you have to be expecting a serious injury or even death whilst doing these things.

Well that all I have to say on the matter, It's a sad story, and I'm sure he'll be missed.


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Crikey!

You talk about lack of respect for him, but he was obviously not thinking about his children whilst doing crazy things with animals.

Not really, this was actually a 'freak' accident, attacks by stingrays are very rare and the fact it got him directly in the heart is also very unlucky. So it was not really crazy, just very, very unlucky.


Re: Crikey!

I'm not saying that this particular incident was crazy, but certainley a lot of the things he does with certain animals are.


Junior Administrator
The guy might have done some downright strange and potentially dangerous things in the past involving his kids, but on the whole you have to remember that whatever crazy things he did with animals, he was always campaigning to protect them. Other than the fact his pursuit of all things toothy and dangerous made him nothing less than a legend, I do respect him and some of the things he did to help animals.

It's very sad news. :(


I think people are getting the wrong idea of what I'm saying. I do respect some of the things that Steve Irwin did, all I'm saying is that it wasn't much of a shock, thats all. When you do these kind of things with animals theres always the chance your going to get seriously hurt or even killed, and that is exactly what happened.

I am not disrespecting Steve Irwan in anyway all I'm saying is that it wasn't really unexpected considering the things he does.


Junior Administrator
I am not disrespecting Steve Irwan in anyway all I'm saying is that it wasn't really unexpected considering the things he does.

macca makes a fair point, i loved steve irwin, in fact i even used him as the basis for a character in a school play. however he once poked a 9ft komodo dragon with a sharp metal stick in an attempt to get a reaction. he had a massive respect for nature and what happened was tragic however we must really marvel that he lasted as long as he did.