CSS Custom Map pack night


CSS Custom/Normal Map night

Now I know gibsons event was scheduled tonight and it didn't go too well but none the less I fancy setting up another css event (like the good old days :D).
Im thinking maybe Wednesday 29th March at around 8:00 pm. That gives people a good amount of notice So no excuses for anyone not to turn up. I have had a look around and found a few map packs but this one looks as if it will do.

If not many people can turn up on a wednesday please let it be known and if it effects the event greatly then we can always re-schedule it.

It's going to be a few normal maps and maybe a few custom maps aswell for a change.

So can Kc or Haven download this map pack and get everything installed on the server please :D. I'll probably send you a Pm about it nearer the time

So yeah It would be nice if we could get a good turnout. I know we used to get a good 15 people on an old map pack night, so It would be nice If we could atleast get into double figures .

Ive asked some of the [FPG] boys if they wanna come and join in so they will get back to me on that.

Sign up Here If you can attend


Active Member
Yeah sure I'll get that pack installed at some point when I'm not doing anything as I'm sure Haven will be busy. Drop me a pm nearer the time anyway incase I forget.

Fuzzy Bunny

Re: CSS Custom/Normal Map night

I'm not going to be home that day. Other than that minor detail, it would've worked perfectly :(


There aint really enough people signed up for this event, so I think we might just need to all go on to a public server and have a bit of fun.


Guys there hasn't really been the response expected so we can either have a muck about on a public server, or we can just call it off for tonight. Your thoughts??