Current situation


Active Member
Hey chaps,
I've not been on much last two weeks so I don't know what's our situation. How did the Ulduar elite group plan work? What is our raiding status now? What should I do?

I entertain myself with levelling my level 60 raider warlock because I cannot stand grinding heroics to get the emblems (which I know I should), but I'd like to at least KNOW what's up, even if I can't directly be part of it.



Well-Known Member
The Ulduar progression plan got as far as Yogg-Saron, but on the 3rd week we didn't have everyone available so it kinda stalled. However, we were able to get the four keepers and General Vezax down relatively easily on the 2nd week.

Last week we had two 10-man groups, which got to Auriaya and Thorim respectively I think (can someone confirm?) and the plan now is to keep getting people in there to get experience of the fights, at least up to and including the four Keepers; any further progression is now likely to be aimed at the new TotGC raid. In the meantime, if you've got an appetite for heroics, feel free to ask around, there are plenty of people in the guild running them now.


Well-Known Member
Both groups got up to Thorim, one group then went back on the Monday and downed him (the other couldn't continue due to some people not being around). We'll be trying to run with a two-group set up every week where possible (we'll run with only one group if there aren't enough people to make up two working groups, but that hopefully shouldn't be a problem).

From the looks of it, we can make decent groups even when several of the usual suspects are absent; for example, Woogle bought Peterson and I went Prot and that worked for one group. I daresay that two groups won't ever be much of a problem, and if you want in, you're more than welcome to sign up and come along, s'all guud.


Well-Known Member
How will you be forming the group if we only have enough for one 10-man? I'm all signed up, so hoping for a chance to raid now the uber group stuff is over.

And you as a tank? wow, you must have been desperate ;)



Well-Known Member
How will you be forming the group if we only have enough for one 10-man? I'm all signed up, so hoping for a chance to raid now the uber group stuff is over.

And you as a tank? wow, you must have been desperate ;)


Desperately AWESOME, you mean.

First time I've been anything but an off-tank in a raid since Wrath hit (in fact, since SSC, I think) and it went just fine. Pretty damned fun as well, although typically the first raid in which I could have tested out my new DPS axe and I had to tank :p

In the case of only one group... well, we'd have to cross that bridge when we got to it, I guess. And hopefully try and set off a group to Naxx/Sarthy/EoE if possible, or something.