Darkmoon Faire


In Cryo Sleep
If WoWWiki is accurate in this regard, the Darkmoon Faire isn't due in Mulgore for about a month. However, in a few days it's due to be in Elwynn Forest. As I have a full Warlords Deck I'd like to hand in, I'm seriously considering heading over into hostile territory to do it. What do you think? Should I just wait, or am I likely to have outlevelled its usefulness by the time the Faire is in Mulgore?


Junior Administrator
Well you can certainly get yourself over to Elwynn and do everything there that you can in Mulgore... Go for it :D

If you need help, you got my number. Who knows... this could turn into an impromptu raid ;)


In Cryo Sleep
now come on! its not gonna be so much a raid as a smack down on a bunch of unsuspecting low levels!

Dont think its such a grand idea! We might get a bit of a bad rep!


Junior Administrator
I dont have a problem with getting myself a bit of a bad rep though. makes things more "interesting"


In Cryo Sleep
Right, sounds like I've got a plan. It's supposed to start on Friday apparantly, so I'll go poke around there then, see if it's all set up, and if there are any high-level guards I'd have to kill. I don't intend to kill any Alliance if I don't have to, just get in, get the quest done, and get out.


Junior Administrator
There will be no guards. Just don't start anything yourself, only hit alliance if you are attacked first. That way it should be nice and easy to get in and out :D


In Cryo Sleep
Suits me fine, I'm not about to go attacking anyone. Doesn't mean I won't kill them if they start a fight, of course.


In Cryo Sleep
Well, I think we can call that a success. Got the trinket, bought some booze, and danced with the lowbie night elves! Oh, and got ganked in STV, but that's normal.