Darn blizz..


New Member
Maby you alrdy knew but 1 month ago i got hacked. everything after was just looking normal canged my password then. but till 2 days ago i got hacked again. i cleaned my whole pc and changed secret question en password. this morning i wanted to log in but i could becose i got hacked again. so i decided to clean my whole pc that means for me putting windows vista off and reinstalling it. that means i need to reinstall WoW and TS and ALL(4 addons ohnoes) my addons aswel, so yeah i think this wil take some time.




In Cryo Sleep
I can never suggest this enough: make sure you use proper anti-virus / spyware protection programs. AVG works like a charm, and Spybot is quite helpful as well.

Other than that, try to get the Java version of the authenticator so you can secure your account. Also make sure to see if your email account is not forwarded to some account like ni_hao@IPWNDU.cn or something, and make sure all passwords are duly changed, and I mean ALL of them. Many hackers are quite interested in snatching every personal data they can to add to email attack listings, impersonate or simply lurk silently in search of useful information your email account forwards them.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Aye, AVG Free, and Spybot. For a free, fairly good firewall, COMODO is pretty good. If you don't like spybot, I tested a spyware thingy called 'SUPERAntiSpyware', which although it sounds dodgy, is pretty good, and also free.

Don't really know what else can be suggested. :/ Either way, good luck man, hope it goes quickly.


New Member
Ok my pc is working normal again after i reinstalled windows vista my pc dind reconise my internet card.:( but, i installed all my disks for my pc(thare was no-one that had annything to do with my internet card) i started up my pc again and i had internet again. so now i have a question for you guys.
I'm using Avast atm, and CCleaner(i clean it every day with that one) anny other free realy nice progremms that you could say are nice to use?

And another question, i could realy use a authenticator, same as marqo and nicnac. So we had a ID becose we dont have a credit card maby somone of you guys has a credit card and could order 3 ones? (Marqo wil put the money over with paypal or Ideal) or we could give the money at the guild meet.:)




New Member
Personal Suggestions:

Spybot: Search and Destroy
Very efficient disk cleaner, malware removal tool and antivirus

The best anti-virus software out there, whatever Spybot cannot clear, AVG certainly will


Active Member
You don't have to buy it off Blizzard store. The Java-based Authenticator app is available for free and works on any Java-capable phone, if you know where to look for. I think I could mail it, provided I still have it somewhere on my computer. It's basically the official one minus the phone-specificity and price.

EDIT: What I'm on about can be found here, with the app you have to download and install onto your phone being available here. Then run it on your phone and follow the Blizzard instructions for pairing an Authenticator with your Battle.net account. Easy as pie, for free, for all phones.


Active Member
You don't have to buy it off Blizzard store. The Java-based Authenticator app is available for free and works on any Java-capable phone, if you know where to look for. I think I could mail it, provided I still have it somewhere on my computer. It's basically the official one minus the phone-specificity and price.

EDIT: What I'm on about can be found here, with the app you have to download and install onto your phone being available here. Then run it on your phone and follow the Blizzard instructions for pairing an Authenticator with your Battle.net account. Easy as pie, for free, for all phones.

Good plan; download a non-official app to secure your account... /facepalm


Active Member
Actually it IS the official app, only put up openly rather than being forced through battle.net.


Active Member
Actually it IS the official app, only put up openly rather than being forced through battle.net.

Still don't trust it, since there is a third party involved. But then I just got a friend with a credit card to buy me a real one, and sent them the money through Paypal (well, actually set up a website for them, but same principle)


Well-Known Member
Proper authenticator > vritual one, but something is better than nothing.

End of the day, though, computer security amounts to a lot. I never had any hack scares ever, even before I got my authenticator, and all I ever used was:
*AdBlockPlus addon for Firefox
*Flashblock addon for Firefox
*Spybot Search & Destroy, with the TeaTimer module always active
*Common sense

Seriously, that's it. There's some other good stuff like NoScript for Firefox, and making sure your Flash is always up to date helps a helluva lot. Flashblock prevents Flash elements in webpages from playing without either me clicking on them to let them run, or me allowing all Flash elements on that site to run. Combine that with ABP to outright remove adverts from some pages and the way it prevents a lot of nasty stuff showing up in the first place, and there's little that can even get onto the machine. Spybot scans rarely return any nasties (and yes, I keep it up to date), and anything that DOES slip through is caught by TeaTimer before it can run.

AVG is good if you need a virus guard as well, but I personally haven't used it for over four years now, but it'd still be my go-to choice.

Again, though... authenticator. Get one if you can, but don't shirk general PC security even if you do get one. Can never be too safe.