Dead Space 2


New Member
It's 1 day and 12 hours till release so I thought I'd ask if anyone's looking into the multiplayer?

I know that some people play Alien Swam and I love that game it was one of my favourites at i40 and it seems to me that the multiplayer for Dead Space (I hereby name it Dead Swam) is very similar but with the players caped at 4 and different camera angles (Not sure if it's the classic dead space over the shoulder or first person)
This seems like a game I could really get my teeth into and would rather not face the scary monster alone!


New Member
Hero! I've played the original and liked it not loved just liked so I thought I would have a gander at the sequel, saw the multiplayer style... found meaning to life XD.


New Member
Best line that sells the games has to be "Fire. It's very fire full."
Can't wait to buy this demonic gam...weapon.


Well-Known Member
TBH rather than spend money on this i'd rather invest money paying someone to make a multiplayer for Resi 4. You know as this game is just a blatant rip off of that engine, yet somehow cheapened by the fact the makers have no idea how to write a good plot or make a game enjoyable.

I think i got about two thirds through the first one, threw up because is was so bad then lent it to a friend and never let him give it back. Even though he begged me to take it away from him and bury it somewhere in the woods to protect his family from the creeping atrocity that is that games failure.


New Member
All Resident Evil games should be burnt! Dead Space is way better and at least it's scary and has some sort of atmosphere. The plot line may not be amazing but Resident Evils been around for so long they're were bound to get it right at some point God knows it took them long enough.


New Member
Oh no not you too Panda! You hate every game I post about lol. what does resi have that Dead space doesn't?

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Oh no not you too Panda! You hate every game I post about lol. what does resi have that Dead space doesn't?

Sorry, where did I say I hated dead space?

I've never even played it. I'm merely defending the good selection of resident evil games.

Key point being: Never played dead space - If it interested me in any way, I might have bothered to buy it...


New Member
If it interested me in any way, I might have bothered to buy it...

You had my hopes up at the begin there and the stamped on them like a child stamps on... stampable things.

It's a good game and I can see the multiplayer being awesome if done with a good group of mates, might be a bit dull with a bunch of randomers tho.