Defcon beta RELEASED!



Congrats to everyone who got into the beta. Just wondering who else got it? I might have done *cough* :D

Edit - News post about it.


Junior Administrator
Ach. No email. Gutted...

Ah well. Congrats to those who got in, and you'd better find those bugs for us! :D


In Cryo Sleep
elDiablo said:
My AI will beat yours any day of the week!

Ho ho ho, I beg to differ!... Twice :p.

Poor elD's first attempt at world domination ended in wee America being reduced to a radioactive ruin :D.


So, he came back with an ally!

They started strong against my pan-Asian alliance...


But I had big red buttons too!


And to the victor goes the chard remains of plutonium planet :).



Well, in my defense, MY computer said YOU lost, and I won! :D Yay for betas that have different scores ;)


Right, just another small update. Some alpha testers didn't play the game that much, which meant they didn't test it that much. This means they have been kicked from the beta test. If you try to use your key now, and it says no, this is probably why.

If you are NOT one of the ones kicked, good news! More testers are being added to the alpha stage. The alpha stage is JUST to get decent network code, and make sure the game is as lag-free as possible. After this is done (or to an extent that Introversion are happy with), the beta stage will begin. This will be the full version of the game, and only some of the best and most active alpha-testers will be chosen for it.

So what does this mean? If you want to play the full game, and get your name in the credits, then PLAY THE ALPHA STAGE MORE. If you weren't picked already, you may have got through now! If not, DO NOT PANIC (in big friendly letters). Iv will most likely add more alpha-testers at a later stage, to ensure that the system can cope with large numbers of people!

Hope all of you who got in are still in :)


Yeah I got an email saying I had been accepted yesterday, But I'll have to wait till I get back to my own house on Thursday before playing (they'll probably boot me before then) it, because my dad's computers pumped basically.


Right, other SMALL update. Defcon beta testers (not alpha) have been choosen. The beta phase (phase2) is to test the whole game, so is playable. So far, only 10 (I think) have been choosen. I'm not one of them this time (which sucks :(), and there are a few rumours going around about why certain people got choosen. Either way, I'm not gonna get into any fights that get out :) So, this game should be out soonish maybe!


New Member
I had an email yesterday, asking me to join in with the alpha testing.
I am not sure if I should bother now. Its quite late down the line from my first interest in joining up.

Has anybody enjoyed their experiance in testing so far?


Junior Administrator
After hearing them on teamspeak, pHatBambi loved it... remember the Alpha (which I am STILL not in!! grrrrr.....) is a non-playable rolling demo. it's just there to provide bug-testing for the ned code, I believe...


Another few updates:

Firstly, the latest alpha and beta release has caused all keys to be banned. You can get a replacement key through the metaserver. The keys were banned in reply to a certain aspect of testing :) All I can say, sorry guys! Just warning you to get a new key!

Secondly, it seems that Defcon is set for a September release, according to an email from Introversion sent to EuroGamer. However, Introversion did originally have it set for an April release (leaving a whole 2 weeks of beta testing!), so don't go holding your breathe :)

Finally, it has been leaked by a few of the testers (not me! :D) that the game is only around 10Meg in size. And in light of Introversion's previous sales techniques, you'll probably get a nice direct download from their store when you buy the CD version of the game, at no extra cost! And 10Meg won't take too long, even on 56K! You pay, you play almost instantly.

Just thought you'd like a heads up.


Another small update from a glance at the Iv forums. Chris (the lead developer) has posted a request for help from the community, asking to add "Data Tables" to the game (will explain in a second), and in doing so has released a screenshot of the latest build of the game. Now, for all you alpha testers, it will look VERY different to earlier build, where the main screen was just black. And I have to say it looks GREAT.

Now, these "Data Tables" appear on the front page (as seen in the screenshot) as lists of information. The ones done so far are things like Civilian Targets in Megadeaths. But Iv want you, the game players, to post up (on the Iv forums, in that topic, not here) you're own lists. Some people have puts things like statistical data on the payload of nukes from wikipedia and the such likes.

So, if you have any interesting info, post it up! If not, look at the lovely screenshot! Either way, enjoy.