Democracy in action... (if you're a driver, read this)


Junior Administrator
For those driving in the UK, you may wish to sign the following petition:
Petition Creator said:
The idea of tracking every vehicle at all times is sinister and wrong. Road pricing is already here with the high level of taxation on fuel. The more you travel - the more tax you pay.
It will be an unfair tax on those who live apart from families and poorer people who will not be able to afford the high monthly costs.
Please Mr Blair - forget about road pricing and concentrate on improving our roads to reduce congestion.

I don't think I need to go into detail on this one - apart from the obvious tracking issue which really gets my blood boiling, there is also the possibility that any accidental infringement of a speed limit will result in receiving a fine through the post - with tracking the potential is certainly there. Not only that, but even those with light use will end up paying substantially more per month - in a recent BBC survey the lowest MONTHLY bill was a rural florist (£28), the most expensive being £194 for a delivery driver. A non-working mother who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in one month.
To put this into perspective, I just paid £110 to tax my car for an entire year.

Government: get stuffed.


In Cryo Sleep

I totally agree. It took me a few goes to pass my driving test ( damnit), and i dont have a car, but when i do, i dont want to be tracked everywhere. I know noone will care where some boring arse is, but tisnt the point. Its also pointless, where the hell are people going to get the computing power to do all that analysys from. And there are bound to be times that the systems will screw up. I guess theyre just trying to push for people to use more public transport and stuff, but really.... :cool:


New Member
This was really true democracy in action. Over 1 million people signedthis petition, and what did His Tonyness do? Why, he ignored it of course! Isn't it great when governors listen to the governed?


Indeed. I even got an email about this from Mr Blair! As did the other 999,999 people who petitioned :D It pretty much said that it won't come into affect for at least 10 years, and it's obviously a serious problem which we can all agree needs a solution (pollution of course, not the government's need for more money).

If anyone needs it, I'll post the whole email, though it's rather dull.