[desc] tag!


Junior Administrator
Well, after my little "chat" with D, which inevitably led him to 'go offline' and attempt to ignore me...

The [noparse][desc][/desc][/noparse] tag is broken. It used to make things look all story-book-esque but now it just does nothing :S

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]So this doesn't work? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer lacus odio, dictum pharetra, posuere a, convallis eu, felis. Praesent fermentum enim vitae elit. Donec tortor. Curabitur a enim a leo bibendum auctor. Nunc augue eros, feugiat id, fermentum non, egestas ut, neque. Integer lobortis felis in lorem. Aliquam gravida urna fringilla elit. Duis fermentum. Nunc sagittis semper orci. Aenean vitae dolor. Curabitur nec massa. Sed nisi est, pharetra eget, rhoncus eget, tempus in, purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean ultricies ipsum sed erat ultrices egestas. Donec erat sem, suscipit vitae, ullamcorper nec, hendrerit ac, neque. Aenean dolor. Donec vitae lacus et orci hendrerit sollicitudin.

Maecenas at enim nec ipsum rutrum porta. Quisque tristique lacus at augue. Aenean aliquet leo at nunc. Quisque aliquet feugiat ante. Nullam nunc urna, euismod ultrices, posuere in, scelerisque ut, arcu. Donec mollis. Curabitur blandit arcu vel nunc. Sed varius enim nec velit. Integer bibendum velit non purus. Donec eros mi, feugiat sit amet, pharetra aliquam, tempor ut, lorem. Maecenas suscipit velit vitae massa. Integer neque sapien, imperdiet non, rhoncus ut, placerat vel, urna. Pellentesque commodo. Duis fringilla pharetra dolor. Quisque et erat at nulla tincidunt sodales. Sed interdum eleifend tortor. [/desc]

Hmm, no, it doesn't. Somewhere along the way the CSS rule that powered that has died. I'll see if I can reconstruct it.


Junior Administrator
[desc]This is a lovelly little story of pointlessness.[/desc]
[noparse][desc]This is a lovelly little story of pointlessness.[/desc][/noparse]
Err, in short, no, and I think there are a couple of other things that are no longer doing what they did on the FAQ BBcode tag list too.
The attachment was one of them, atleast in the examples, it's empty.

[edit] Okay, the other thing is [sigpic] that doesn't do anything either now.[/edit]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
The [desc] tag should be working again, now. It's a bit of a hack but feel free to suggest better CSS than:

/* [desc] tag */
div.narrate { font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif; border: 1px dotted gray; min-height: 3em; padding: 5px; margin: 0 20px; }
div.narrate:first-letter { font-size: 3em; line-height: 0.8em; float: left; margin: 0 3px 3px 0; }