Digital Art


In Cryo Sleep
Right, I thought I'd make a thread so everyone can recommend the various digital art sites that they've found in the perusal of the interweb.

So far we've had Ronin mention Digital Blasphemy, I myself have mentioned Greg Martin, and I'm sure some others have been mentioned, but I can't remember where, what or by whom.

So go for it guys, dig deep and find those gems that you know about and think deserve to be shared with the great THN masses.


In Cryo Sleep
Bambi showed me this coolio site t'other day.

Pretty snazy, they did the intro movies for Dawn Of War and Rise Of Legends and they both rock :). They have several free movies, In The Rough is pretty good; poor old Brog and his beloved rock :D.


pixelcore was good..when it was still going i think its dead now or something

the only thing i can think of right now is (portfolio>2d>digital art) :D not quite greg martin i know ;P

edit: has some nice stuff


thatbloke's housemate, and my course mate's DeviantArt site. Some pretty damn funky stuff there!

Edit - It's digital art as he re-touches most of the pictures he takes.


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah that's a good site but it's more of a studio site so it will only focus on one group.

The best place I have found so far is cgsociety.

Any budding digital artists be warned. You may end up feeling helplessly inadequate. This site not only features major digital companies and artists but a large proportion of it's members are top industry artists ranging from Wingnut Studios to Lucas Arts.

Very good place. They even have a few free tutorials etc...

Worth a look if you are in need of some inspiration.

Another one I quite like is the personal site of Jon Burgerman. It's a good fun site that anyone who appreciates illustration should love.

I've got loads of sites that I can put up here if you want.