Disagree with stelios app verdict


In Cryo Sleep
Hey guys

I dont really agree with the verdict on Stelios's raiding App or the reason he was refused , in my opinion the reason we have Trail Raider is so that people can prove to us that they have what it takes, I think Stelios should be allowed to be a Trail Raider to prove to us that he is Mature enough and has the skill to do Guild Raids.

Thats just my opinion.
Thanx Rayne :)


In Cryo Sleep
Im sure there is a good reason for stelios to have been denied raiding status but stopping him because of inexperience or youth???....this really does not promote a good side of the haven in "my" opinion.


This sucks, you guys are having people leave the guild left right and centre and people taking ehemm "extended breaks" but you still want to keep the same groups going, just give him and others a chance you need new blood, i have raided with him a few times and have seen no problems at all in fact he has been more mature than some of your "seasoned raiders"


New Member
He is denied for several good reasons and the reasons you have named are not the major ones, he has already been trial raider with us before and he did not make it to the full raider rank for several reasons which Stelios knows and is something between him and us. This was like one month ago.

He can join our ranks if there is room and if the probs we had together are less of an issue.

(Zooggy do better, I type faster then you:p)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

in "my" opinion.

Right. First off, lose the quotes. As an active member of the Haven guild and of the larger THN community, you're entitled to have an opinion and you're entitled to air it.

Unless it really isn't "your" opinion, in which case, bleh! :p

I think Stelios should be allowed to be a Trail Raider to prove to us that he is Mature enough and has the skill to do Guild Raids.

We agree. That's why he was. But, alas, it didn't work out at all. That's why he was demoted back to Community. While everyone deserves a second chance, we just happen to feel that the timing isn't right for it.

i have raided with him a few times and have seen no problems at all

Two things:

1) Congratulations. That's more than we were able to do while he was Trial Raider, despite several attempts to do so.

2) That said, this is the sort of vouch that we value, coming from a well-known member of the THN community and someone who I personally respect. It would have been nice to have had it before a decision was rendered, but, all things considered, I doubt we would have reached a different conclusion.


This sucks, [...] just give him and others a chance you need new blood

Much as I do respect you and consider you a friend, and trust me, I do, the fact is that you're a non-guildie, and as such, have absolutely zero say on the make-up of the guild.

Fellows, I'm sure Stelios appreciates the support. I have to tell you, I do to. It's preciously rare to have people disagree with us, and yet be ready to post about it in a decent, respectful manner, which you did.

Thanks for that.



New Member
I really like the feedback Rayne :) But as stated before we had more then the reasons stated in the recruitment section.

On another note, if you ever disagree with us again please say so ( really just say it!), but I would like it in a whisper more then on a forum. Cause things can easily spin out of control in toppics on a forum.

Thanks :)


In Cryo Sleep
Just to make clear.

The last time Stelios was a trial raider it didn't go to well, this is because he never had a computer with an internet connection at his own house and the only times that he was able to play were when he came to my house in wales where he had his own computer.

But since then he has got his computer at his house with an internet connection so by applying for trial raider again he has more access to the game and signing up to raids, thats also the reason why he has been playing alot more recently.



New Member
Like the Post Rayne I dont have a lot to say just that I agree with bits and bobs of everyones posts..And hope this can get sorted so no trouble happens
Happy Hunting!


Well-Known Member
Guys, when you feel the need to express concerns such as this over Veteran/Officer decisions, I'd very much appreciate it if you calmly contacted a relevant individual in private in-game or via forum PM to express you concern rather than throw it up here in the main forum and cause a ruckus.

It usually accomplishes very little besides irritation and headaches unless it's a more philosophical post on stuff like general direction and suchlike, in my experience...