DKP ruminations


Well-Known Member
Been thinking about the guild DKP system... from what I've seen, the Ashen Order idea of having to pay a certain amount of DKP for an item before rolling on it seems best (rather than the classic spending DKP to bid on the item with no rolling).

As for gaining DKP, how does this sound:

*You start out with 15 DKP
*You gain 2 DKP for each raid attended (only 1 DKP if you're only there for part of the raid)
*You gain 10 DKP for being there when we down a new boss
*You gain 5-10 DKP for performing some kind of service to the guild (for example, Rall and Raj really helped expand the guild recently to the extent that we can now seriously consider raiding, so they deserve a bonus)
*For causing a completely unecessary wipe when it could very easily ahve been avoided, you lose 2 DKP (3 DKP for repeating the mistake)
*For signing up to the raid and not turning up without providing forewarning or a satisfactory excuse, you lose 2 DKP

For obtaining items:

*Class-specific items can only be obtained by the relevant classes. If it is a quest item or a one-class-only item, then the cost is 0DKP
*Blue items will cost 5 DKP (possibly 10, depending on the item)
*Epics will generally cost 10-15DKp, again this depends on the item
*Greens will be raid-rolled by the raid leader and distributed as appropriate

You can spend DKP on an item if you have 1 or more DKP, even if this takes you into the negative, but you cannot bid if you have 0 or negative DKP, so bear that in mind before trying to grab every epic that drops.

For certain quest items (scarabs and suchlike from AQ, or coins and bijous for ZG), these will be kept by the raid leader and later distributed as appropriate (those who have contributed more may find themselves with a slightly better cut of this loot; you get what you give).

If you are not able to use the item, then you can't roll on it or bid DKP on it. Trying to do so may piss the raid leader off and lose you DKP :P

So, comments/ideas/suggestions/pledges of eternal souls?

Unless someone has any ideas for changes, then we can use this system this weekend, and possibly make ammendments to it as time goes by (may be we start encountering items that should cost more than 15DKP)


In Cryo Sleep
My advice poor as it may be would be this...

Work from a zero sum perspective. I.e. people don't bid on items, just nominate themselves and the individual with the highest wins. Following on from that people in negative dkp can attain gear, they just have to have the closest value to zero.

Double the costs of loot.

To enhance your group for your follow up raids assign class leaders to advise, or have a system whereby loot goes to people who actually need it.

You can still take dkp off the person that loots, but it puts in place a way that avoids stockpiling of dkp for that one specific drop.

The best raiding group will be the one that goes for whatever drops first, rather than waiting for an item that has say a 1 in 20 chance of ever being seen.

Additionally promote preparation and give bonuses. In ct raid you can check how many of a consumable each member of the raid has. So if you raid check healing/mana pots/candles/anhks, give bonus dkp for anyone with over 10 or 20 of their classes pot. Also promote the harvesting of world buffs and buff pots, such as tubers, songflower serenade, dark runes, blasted lands buffs and give people bonus dkp for having those too.

Give bonus dkp for being repaired and in the muster location at the correct time (+/- 5 minutes).

Do not penalise people for unnecessary wipes with -dkp. Just inform them in private that behaviour like that puts their raidspot up for someone else to have.

One other thing... to avoid inflation either 0 dkp for unlooted bosses that go to rolls, or dkp with the items being de'd and put in the guild bank.


Well-Known Member
I'm not too fond of the Zero Sum system to be completely honest, and I'm not too sure of class leaders in the 20 man raids (I'll certainly bear it in mind for the future, though).

Loot costs do need to go up, yes; I was looking at it and realised that after a few raids it would be far too easy to whore loot... so either loot costs up or DKP rewards for downing bosses should go down, maybe a bit of both.

Stockpiling DKP for a specific drop is fine by me; if you want to save up for an item, fair enough. For example, Yrjial from the Ashen Order was keeping some to one side for the possibility of Mandokir dropping his polearm, and I'd probably keep some in case of the Mandokir bow or Hakkar gun.

World buffs and pots getting rewards I like the idea of first, but I feel its something I should add later once I have a working system to play around with.

For turning up on time, that would be 2 DKP. For turning up late or only for a small part of the raid, 1 DKP (attendance is rewarded unless you turn up for one drop and then sod off).

I wouldn't penalise for accidental wipes unless it was something stupid; someone messing around, or doing something they really shouldn't do should be punished. Accidental stuff would be tolerable unless its a repeat offence (should learn from it).

Based on the above and me thinking a bit more about it:

*Blues will be 10-15 DKP depending on value/rarity
*Epics will be 15-25 DKP depending on value/rarity
*2 DKP for turning up on time or early to the start of the raid, 1 DKP for being noticably late or not being there for the whole raid
*5-10 DKP for downing a new boss, depending on the boss; Venoxxis would be worth 5 as he is *relatively* easy, but harder bosses would be worth 10 (eg Panther/Hakkar)

Sound a bit better?