Dodgy 21" TV


Junior Administrator
Well I got myself a 21" CRT TV on the way - it's apparently got a problem, which is thus:

After a certain amount of time on, it suddenly loses all picture and displays a single white, horizontal line. I'm assuming that the cathode-ray tube is on the way out, but of course it could be an electronics problem... *evil cackle*. Any other opinions on this matter would be appreciated.

So anyway, I'll probably be using that in tandem with my other monitor, but even so I can't match haven's resolution...


In Cryo Sleep
So, it displays a picture for x amount of time and then it fails; or does it fail instantaneously? If its instantaneously then yes, the tube is le buggéred. If its otherwise, Im unsure. Might still be the ole CRT, but Id actually check there is no 'Auto Standby after 30 minutes' settings on. Its flummoxed me before, that one.

Actually, thinking about it, it could be the y-axis magnet that is done in. You know how the tv uses two magnetic plates to push the electrons in the right directions, x-axis for sideways and y-axis for up n down? Well, if the y axis is screwed, it would THEORETICALLY draw a white line across the screen (basically, the horizontal is showing the whole picture, but it aint going up and down, its concentrated into one line of pixels).


Junior Administrator
An interesting theory. I should have mentioned that the line produced is pretty intense, and yes, it is produced after x amount of time on.


Junior Administrator
Well the TV arrived last night and I've rigged it up as a second monitor. Okay, a ludicrously blurry second monitor, but it is totally amazing for playing DVD's and winamp visualisations. :D

Also quite good for gaming, for FPS's where the writing is not important.

I've not actually come across the problem just yet, but it apparantly goes funny after an hour. I'll keep you posted, and I'll also get a picture of my setup when I get the chance.