[EVE] Dominion - Rumor and Fact


Super Moderator
Staff member
from the testing so far:

3 main structures for Sov
FLAG: anchor and online to capture sov
STOP: anchor and online to disrupt sov
Infrastructure Hub: anchor to access sov upgrades

FLAG and STOP take 5 mins to anchor and 12 hours to online, these can be anchored anywhere in system

Infrastructure Hub takes an hour to anchor and the same to online and can only be anchored at planets

FLAG: 5000M^3
STOP 2500M^3
Infrastructure Hub 750000M^3
Hub Upgrades are reportedly around 100000M^3

Sov is a 280M payment per month to Concord

there are 5 tiers of upgrades avaliable for the industry and military as well as 4 "strategic" upgrades which are unlocked by holding Sov for a period of time

4 upgrades depend on length of occupation
7days: Super cap construction
21days: can anchor cynos at POS
31days: can anchor cyno jammers, can anchor jump bridges

2 types of upgrades depend on industrial activity

Ore Prospecting Array: improves Quality and Quantity of ore in system
Survey Network: Increase amount of "Profession" sites in system

3 types of upgrades depend on military activity

Entrapment: Greater chance of a complex spawning
Pirate Magnet: Increased number of combat sites spawn
Quantum Flux Generator: increased chance of W-hole spawn

the hub upgrades havn't yet been released so i can't really comment greatly on them and the industry and military index are broken as i got it to 20% and then it fell to 0 again and hasn't moved from there


In Cryo Sleep
Updates :D

Sovereignty bill to concord was 84 million ISK last patch when they released the upgrades.

Daily upkeep also came into effect.

6 million ISK per claim marker = System with SOV but no hub

Once hub is installed only upkeep is with Strategtic Upgrades

Lvl 1 = sov held for 7 days
Lvl 2 = sov held for 21 days
Lvl 3 = sov held for 35 days
Lvl 4 = sov held for 65 days
Lvl 5 = sov held for 100 days

* Cyno Suppresion - This upgrade allows alliances to anchor Cynosural System Jammers on their starbases in a solar system.

Volume - 500000.0 m3

Daily Upkeep Cost : 20 million ISK required index level of Strategic Level 3

* Cyno Navigation - This upgrade allows alliances to anchor Cynosural Generator Arrays on their starbases in a solar system.

Volume - 400000.0 m3

Daily Upkeep Cost : 2 million ISK required index level of Strategic Level 2

* Supercapital Construction Facilities - This upgrade allows alliances to anchor Capital Ship Assembly Arrays and Capital Ship Maintenance Arrays at their starbases in a solar system.

Volume - 200000.0 m3

Daily Upkeep Cost : 1 million ISK required index level of Strategic Level 1

* Advanced Logistics Network - This upgrade allows alliances to anchor Jump Bridges on their starbases in a solar system.

Volume - 400000.0 m3

Daily Upkeep Cost : 10 million ISK required index level of Strategic Level 3


Military and Industry upgrades have no upkeep except activity of the system.

Industry Upgrades:

Ore Prospecting Array 1-5
This upgrade increases the ore resources available in a system.
Volume : level 1 - 5000.0 m3 -- Level 5 500000.0 m3

Survey Networks 1-5
This upgrade increases the chance of a mini-profession site being present in the upgraded solar system.
Volume : level 1 - 5000.0 m3 -- Level 5 500000.0 m3

Military Upgrades:

Pirate Detection Array 1-5
This upgrade increases the number of active combat sites in the upgraded solar system.
Volume : level 1 - 5000.0 m3 -- Level 5 500000.0 m3

Entrapment Array 1-5
This upgrade increases the chance of finding a complex in the system.
Volume : level 1 - 5000.0 m3 -- Level 5 500000.0 m3

Quantum Flux Generator 1-5
This upgrade increases the chance of a wormhole being present in the upgraded solar system.
Volume : level 1 - 5000.0 m3 -- Level 5 500000.0 m3



QKTR-L soon™

More soon™ (when rannis upgrades the other 2 systems...)


In Cryo Sleep
Ratting before the upgrade:

As the activity setting is seeded for L5 for military every rat spawn had one or more battle ships, bounty ranging 800.000 ISK to 1.100.000 ISK

Belts were also a lot bigger than that when starting before the L5 seed

in 1 hour from time of post/edit I myself will have a hub under HoK for testing in said system above with all the upgrades installed.


Moving an Obelisk to take the Upgrades is a few trips due to the size of the upgrades.

Cyno Suppression and Navigation require a trip in their own... let alone any L4-L5 upgrades...

Off to setup a Corp Hanger for this...


Planet description changed?!

"The majority of icy planets went through a period of being barren terrestrials, before being surfaced with ice over the course of many millennia. The exact process for this varies from case to case, but the end result is both common and visually uniform - a bright, reflective planet scored by countless fractures and crevasses. A few icy planets are hypothesized to have been warmer, liquid-bearing planets in the past that have subsequently frozen, as a result of either stellar cooling or failed terraforming projects."

Last i remember this planet said "Planet (Ice)"


Once the Claim unit is onlined (one long 12 hours later) .... one trys to figure out why he hasn't got Sov... but there is now a Bulletin board on corp window... and under the alliance tab...

I paid my sodding bill!!! 12 hours ago automatic and no sov!!


Sent Bug Report... Might update at next downtime which... is ANNOYING


Some reading:

When you enter an unclaimed system, you plant your TCU in order to establish a link with the stargates present and claim the system as your own. Your own alliance logo will be proudly displayed for all to see. Once your TCU is online, you will be responsible for the monetary upkeep of the system and your TCU will become an invalid target in the local data net. TCUs are the symbolic representation of your commitment to a star system in EVE. When your TCU falls, so does your control of the system.

So from the "invalid target" means it can't be locked and shot at... and these things carry 10 million hp in shield and armor along with 500.000 in hull.

New Reinforcement Mechanic

In Dominion, both Outposts and Infrastructure Hubs will have a dual reinforcement timer, one for shields and one for armor. Owners of the structures will be able to set a preferred time that they wish for them to come out of reinforced mode and then a random variable will be applied that determines the exact time they will exit reinforced.

This mechanic serves two purposes in that we do not want to see station ping pong return and we also want to try to mitigate ‘time zone warfare'.


Defensive structures (Outpost / Infrastructure Hub)

Both structures have dual reinforcement timers to avoid being blitzed by an attacking force.

The Outpost has 2x 48 hour reinforcement timers to ensure at least 4 days between it switching hands.

The Infrastructure Hub has 2x 24 hour reinforcement timers to ensure at least 2 days before it can be destroyed.

Source: http://www.eveonline.com/devblog.asp?a=blog&bid=709


In Cryo Sleep
Where I left off...

5:37am just finished work to return home to see the bug report went through and I now have sov and the bills are paying automatic yay!

The hub takes 3600.00 s to Anchor and then 3600.00 s to online... so a little over 2 hours.

Good thing i have an hour to spare before bed to anchor and online this thing...


Its online, invulnerable and system upgrades markers not seeded but the upgrades them selves are... I have two damn dreads to dock away!! damn 7 days till you can use the Super Capital upgrade -.-`


In Cryo Sleep
Added the Super Capital Construction upgrade today and got this message.

"Installing upgrades makes them a permanent fixture of the receiving Infrastructure Hub. You will not be able to take them back. Ever!

Furthermore 13,000,000.00 ISK will be deducted from the master division of your corporation wallet to cover the upkeep cost for the remaining 13 days of the current billing period. "

the 13 million is basicaly the upkeep paided off until it runs out and starts at 1 mill or 14 mill... dunno yet o_O