Donations Block: Making It Clearer

Ronin Storm

Staff member
This is a repost, from memory, of what I said pre-crash.

The donations block has been updated. The aim of this is to make it much clearer what state our funds are in because our server host doesn't automatically take money each month. Instead, they send a PayPal request to THN's Treasurer (currently SgtFury) requesting payment. If they don't do this we can't pay... but that money is already "sunk", so to speak, so we need to think of it as gone.

So, here's what the updated shoutbox tells you:

  • Account Total -- the current balance of the THN donations account
  • Server Cost -- the monthly cost of our server
  • Last Payment -- the month we last paid for... the month that follows it is the one we next need to pay for
  • Subscriptions -- the money we receive through monthly subscriptions from THN members
  • Real Total -- the "actual" value of our donations account, when you take into account money that is reserved for unpaid months

Roughly, the "Real Total" is calculated as follows:

Account Total - (Server Cost * RoundUp(Months Since Last Payment))

Also, coloured text will appear when we are getting low on funds. First it is orange, then it is red. Any colouring implies we're in some trouble and need your donations asap. We account for the subscriptions input into the donations pot when we're colouring, by the by.

Remember, no funds equals no server. It doesn't get any simpler than that.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.