Doom3 coop event


In Cryo Sleep
How many people have Doom3?

OK it was pretty average single player, but playing games with other people always makes it fun IMO.

Check out and we can play through the single player online. I can host :)

It's quite a long game, so might need a few events. Shall we say the first one this Saturday @ 7pm GMT? Who could make it?

Edit - I just found the option to turn friendly fire on ;)


i shall join ye!
and yes friendly definately should be on ;P


Active Member
I have Doom 3, and I'm certainly interested in giving the co-op a try, but I don't think I will be available this Saturday evening.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Carth said:
Shame it can't force people to update their list when you update it.

You say that, but theoretically I could. It's not a very high priority feature, though. :)


Staff member
Get it added to the events calender so people can sign up properly ! *stops nagging and wanders off*


In Cryo Sleep
i would love to play but im away this weekend so can i play in a different sesh or is it one of those you have to play from the beginning?


Junior Administrator
I changed the calendar entry to allow people to specify whether they will be coming or not (makes it a bit easier from a management perspective).

Unfortunately, due to my net-access situation (the history of which is long, boring and very tragic) I'm not able to be online in evenings or weekends, and not on a very adept gaming machine either. :( Good luck with it though and hopefully you can make it a regular thing! :D


In Cryo Sleep
DeZmond said:
I changed the calendar entry to allow people to specify whether they will be coming or not (makes it a bit easier from a management perspective).
Uh, I thought it did that automatically. Thanks :)


I can't make it tonight. Monday-Wednesday evenings would be best for me, but obviously its trouble for other people =/


In Cryo Sleep
Apparently UArch can't make it today either. Considering nobody has signed up, I'm gonna call it off. If it looks like there's interest, we can do it another time :)


In Cryo Sleep
It says you shouldn't have more than 4, but you can change the number of players in the config to as much as you want. There are 8 and 12 player servers.

I have no idea what's wrong with LMS, I haven't got it. Tbh I didn't even know LMS coop existed. I just did a search for Doom3 coop, and LMS is a stupid name for coop so it didn't come up. I don't know which one is better.....