Down With Big D

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Staff member
My God, everyone loves me today.

And to think, I thought it was Carth that made the thread when I saw the title...


Staff member
aha! Now we're getting somewhere. This is about sigs, I assume. But you're going to have to fill me in on where I fit in to all this...


In Cryo Sleep
Well just gotta say BIG D and all who are to be concerend is why the hell cant we have our sigs at size6??? If its destracting you are more pathetic than a 5 year old they couldnt even get distracted by it. Every other forum lets ya even have a pictured sig im not saying we should have them but at least allow us to have a sig at what size we wish. Many people in the community feel this way, they might not say it but i know ive talked to them and they find it rediculus. I wont say names because if they want to help out with backing me up thats fine but if not ill keep their names to myself. So to conclude i think you all should stop being petty and changing peoples sig its there choice what size they want, Freedom of speech :p .


In Cryo Sleep
BiG D said:
aha! Now we're getting somewhere. This is about sigs, I assume. But you're going to have to fill me in on where I fit in to all this...

LoL hmm wondering maybe because your an admin perhaps? just a wild guess. its not just you its all the admins and i know that you dont want people to have big sigs same as Ronin Storm.


In Cryo Sleep
Tbh I don't mind, if I'm bothered by anyone's sig (which I haven't been up to now), I would disable signatures in options. I just wanted to mess about, have some fun. I'm done :)

Btw, if you wanted to be taken seriously, perhaps you should have discussed it somewhere else, instead of making a thread called "Down with Big D" ;)


Staff member
Oh dear. Childish indeed.

I'm still not sure why you picked me, I'm only a moderator, and the moderator of the Swarm forums at that. But I suppose I'll talk a little on the subject anyway.

The issue is that it seriously draws emphesis away from posts. It's three times bigger than normal text. If you started making posts that were more than one or two lines, it wouldn't be an issue. But you seem to be more of a 'many short posts' type of guy, and all that does is fill most of the page with your giant sig...


In Cryo Sleep
1.Well actually i aint and i have been posting quite bulky stuff but i just want the choice to do it if i want And this aint happening its just "im an admin ( better than you ) so it doesnt matter what you say" which i find not very good for the community.

2. So this means if my writings huge its okay for a huge sig becuase then it wouldnt be 3 times the size of the writing :P (wee joke for ya)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Let me address this in two parts, firstly as a user, then as a Mod.

As a user:

Large signatures get in the way of reading posts. Posts with large text are generally considered shouting and, in forums, this is considered bad manners. Basically, I find your posting with a large signature and in large text to be rude and your lack of consideration for other members of the forum, in this matter, completely disrespectful.

I don't make this stuff up, or base it on a whim, or enforce it just for you, or even state it "just because I'm an Admin". I state it because I've admined around a dozen different forums over the past decade, one with thousands of users, and I'm using experience I've gain over that time to understand things that work and things that don't. I discuss my considerations with the Mod Team and Admin Team and gather their opinions on how applicable my experience is to our current situation. Then, based on these in combination, I or another Mod make a call and act on it.

[mod]So, as a Moderator:

This is not a game of "how free is my speech". This is a game of "can I have a respectful conversation with some online friends". In this, I find you to be in basic breach of the board rules you have agreed to on registering here.

Posting in large font is shouting. This is not respectful.

Posting a thread with the title "Down with Big D" is offensive, and is certainly not respectful.

Changing your signature back to a larger font after you've been asked twice by two different Mods, then were moderated down to a smaller font size, is disrespectful to the time and effort the Mod Team put in to keeping this place tidy and useful to all visitors, both new and old.

Please carefully consider what you have said and done. Please take a break for a day or two and think on how you could be more respectful to your fellow board users, both Mods and in general. In particular, I believe you owe Big D an apology.[/mod]


In Cryo Sleep
Well "down with Big D" isnt realy focused on him. It was meant to be more like "down with Big Brother" kinda trying to make reference to the book 1984 :P sorry then if you found it disrepectful but im a very nice guy i just want a chat but has anyone came to chat to me?? *HINT* ;) but when i try to even discuss i just get yeah put it down a size.
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