Download Psi-Ops for free (ad-supported)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Courtesy of Eurogamer's heads-up, I have discovered that you can download Psi-Ops for free from Fileplanet. It is, admittedly, ad-supported though I don't know to what extent.

Eurogamer gave it an 8 out of 10 when it was released a few years back, saying:

Eurogamer said:
On the shelves, Psi-Ops stands proud. How it stacks up against Free Radical's similar-sounding Second Sight remains to be seen (review coming soon), but rated in its own right it's undoubtedly a highly enjoyable action romp with a clutch of deal clincher ideas that are well-realised and far from being mere gimmicks to brag about on the box. The player is gradually presented with a whole pile of new toys and effectively told to just get on with it, which makes every level something you can tackle the way you want to. Throw in tons of bonus content, extra unlockable levels (nice isolated one-off challenges, as opposed to full on missions), co-op play (a very welcome addition that comes highly recommended if you have a likeminded buddy...) and you've got a decent value package that will be irresistible once it's brought down from its lofty full price perch. Not quite essential, but the very definition of solid, and the flashes of originality reflect a refreshing spirit of adventure from Midway right now.

Download below: