Blizzard will be performing extended maintenance on the realms listed below on Wednesday, June 16th, beginning at 00:01 CEST.
The maintenance is scheduled for 24 hours as they prepare the upcoming expansion.
These realms will be playable again approximately 23:59 on Wednesday, June 16th.
All realms not listed will undergo scheduled maintenance beginning at 05:00 CEST and will be available for play at approximately 11:00 CEST.
The maintenance is scheduled for 24 hours as they prepare the upcoming expansion.
These realms will be playable again approximately 23:59 on Wednesday, June 16th.
All realms not listed will undergo scheduled maintenance beginning at 05:00 CEST and will be available for play at approximately 11:00 CEST.
- Arena Pass
- Ahn-Qiraj
- Alonsus
- Anachronos
- Azuremyst
- Blade's Edge
- Bronze Dragonflight
- Bronzebeard
- Burning Steppes
- Chromaggus
- Darkmoon Faire
- Darkspear
- Dentarg
- Drak'thul
- Emeriss
- Executus
- Hakkar
- Khadgar
- Kor'gall
- Kul Tiras
- Lightbringer
- Mazrigos
- Moonglade
- Scarshield Legion
- Steamwheedle Cartel
- Talnivarr
- Terokkar
- Trollbane
- Xavius