

Well-Known Member

So now that I have your attention, what's the best spec for two druids to level up as? DPS wise I'm guessing 2xferal or 1xoomkin 1xferal but I am shying away from being a caster becuase I *hate* downtime (after playing classes where downtime is non existent I now struggle to play my mage).

Also, anyone got, or know a highish level alliance character who could sort us out with some bags and about 100g each? In trade for me giving them the same horde-side, of course.


New Member
well, if you start putting points into the resto tree once you have moonkin form, you moonkin will have infinite mana way before you go to outland, so depending on what your plans for he droods are, you could at least spec into moonkin in your mid-50s to get a feeling for the spec. plus, it's fun!


Active Member
I rarely - if ever - drank past my thirties and I was gearing for full SP. So moonkin is definitely a very fun and powerful spec, and doesnt have much downtime either. Frankly I just didn´t like feral, it felt weird.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Speaking as a feral for life...... get it right and its easy :) Although it was a long time since I levelled to 60 on my druid. Getting down to mangle is what you really want in terms of talents.....avoid shred talents they will be no use levelling. Stealthing as cat is great to get you to places when you don't want to fight your way past to get a boss killed. Plus if you have 2 druids one can stay stealthed and res you if need be now :D.

I would say 1 feral and 1 specced resto/moonkin to keep you both alive......

Before Northrend kit still has all stats for druids, once you get to northrend a ferals heals will be useless.


Active Member
To everyone his own I guess - I just couldn´t get it to work :) Feral + boomkin sounds like a plan, really - boomkins can heal fine enough and starfire+pounce+starfire should kill anything before it can harm either of you.


Well-Known Member
So for feral, what's your primary stat? I always get confused because feral druids are effectively tanks or DPS, right? i.e. feral spec is kitty and bear.. so, would you go for agi, or str?

I'm guessing oomkin is int and crit.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
At end game armour penetration is uber for kittys of you are above (i think) 250. Since there is no cap on it. But generally for kitty's Agi is your primary stat. It used to be Str but they changed the way Savage roar works.

For tanking it's Stamina Armour and Agi. Not neccesarily in that order. I tend to get a good mix of them rather than have just one.

Alot of Stam not much else you will be able to take the big hits but more of a drain on your healers.
Armour mitigates but you can only really get it through your i level of items.
Agi just got nerfed for dodge but it is the only other way druids can stop damage. But too much and the healing will be very spikey.

Probably know most of that from your pally, just writing it how i see it from a druid perspective.

For info Furigar has been my main for almost all the time i've played Wow. I tanked in vanilla poorly through UBRS and never raided but then tanked through TBC and northrend..... love it.

Best fight where druids were good was Illidan. When we could heal pretty well and tank. I remember being the fire tank, doing that phase... then keeping people topped up in the aoe bit then getting in there as a cat and doing some damage :D it probably was all mediocre but it was fun.


Well-Known Member
So am I right in thinking to be a druid tank you basically need high item level gear as you are saying item level affects armour?

It's probably not that relevant as we both want to DPS.

I find it interesting that in theory a druid can go one spec (feral) to perform two roles (Kitty-DPS or tank) by stacking agi and stam.


Junior Administrator
I think what he actually means is that to get more armour you need the higher ilvl items that actually come with more base armour...


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Both right, the armour contribution increases with ilvl on leather, and dire bear form increases that again. Rings cloaks and Necks and trinkets armour contribution no longer gets increased by dire bear form.

So the only way to really get more armour is to increase the general ilvl of your gear. So it's not something you can really aim for just be aware of. Although Black Heart trinket is brilliant from TotC

as for stacking Agi and stam yes you can do both jobs......but to do it well depends on your talents. there is a def split between which are kitty and which are tank talents... it is possible to be good at both in one spec. But to be Main tank or a competing dps you need to spec the right way and have the right glyphs.

This is where dual spec was great. With one switch of kit and switch of spec I can be 5-6th on dps in raid for the right fight or even higher depending how long it is but getting the rotation wrong can drop you down massively. Switch back again where an extra tank is needed.

For Northrend Exposure first fights we were going into 25man Ulduar the feral tanks were surviving and our warrior were being squishy :D


Active Member
I dont like healing furry tanks ;)

Boomkins need int+spirit at lower levels, then mix in spellpower as it starts appeaing on the gear you can get. Once you get to Outlands and beyond where crit makes appearance you´ll already have the grip of it.


Active Member
... anyone got, or know a highish level alliance character who could sort us out with some bags and about 100g each? In trade for me giving them the same horde-side, of course.

Poke me or the missus. She (Rhya) has epic Alliance alts with loads of money for reasonable rates. :p

But she'll be coming Horde when Blizz lets her, so hurry


New Member
just sell random grey items for hundreds of gold to your horde characters via the neutral auction house, no?


Well-Known Member
just sell random grey items for hundreds of gold to your horde characters via the neutral auction house, no?

The reason I have a lot of gold is because I don't throw it away ;)

I think neutral AH charges you at least 20% cuts.

Also, getting a very low level alt to gadgetzan = pain


Well-Known Member
Poke me or the missus. She (Rhya) has epic Alliance alts with loads of money for reasonable rates. :p

But she'll be coming Horde when Blizz lets her, so hurry

Awesome, I shall try find her! :)

Edit: What are her names in-game? Or can you ask her to poke Larial? :)


In Cryo Sleep
Personally. I found levelling as a Boomkin very pleasant. You have the AOE when you need, Good single target damage, good single target mob control, the ability to heal and the stamina not to need to.

I cant see their being a problem with two boomkins. Though a Boomkin and a Bear would work very well for AOE grinding. Two cats would be able to stealth quest very effectively.

My suggestion would be two boomkins.


Active Member
Awesome, I shall try find her! :)

Edit: What are her names in-game? Or can you ask her to poke Larial? :)
Auryne on Alliance side. Rhya/Rhyanne right here on the good side. Send her and ingame mail Ally side and she'l get you sorted. Badger her here on the good side would have the same effect.